But if you give in, maybe they won’t hurt you anymore!

I kick Januzari in the face. My reflexes are much faster than I remember them being.

I don’t know what I expected. I figured that fighting four dark elves was a lost cause.

But somehow, as I kick hard into Januzari’s jaw, I’m able to spring myself up and to my feet, and none of my other assailants try to stop me as I dash away.

I sprint through the mud, careful not to slip on the wet earth.

I push myself, running as fast as I can until my ribs hurt, then push myself even beyond that, not daring to look back.

The sunlight is blinding as it penetrates the clouds, the storm vanishing slowly over the horizon.

Whatever you do, don’t stop running. Don’t ever stop.

I could kill myself from sprinting, and it would be a preferable death to being defiled in their clutches. I can’t get their faces out of my mind.

Ducking under heavy, sharp branches and avoiding poisonous vines, I convince myself that I’m safe.

I slow down, heaving and bending over.

My toes are bloody from moving over jagged rocks. My legs feel weak. I want to scream.

I have no idea where to go now.

I could escape back to Elijayur, but I don’t know if he’d be much better.

My thoughts race so fast my head starts to hurt. What do I do now?

“Keep running, girlie!”

I turn around to see Januzari and his cronies still giving chase, laughing as though this is some game to them.

Maybe I’m not the first girl they’ve chased through the woods and raped.

I turn back around and continue running, realizing that they easily outmatch me in speed. They’re taller and have longer legs but have also trained harder than I have.

This seems like a lost cause. I don’t know why I thought I could escape them.

But I still must try.

I feel a sharp, stinging sensation and realize that one of them has taken a dagger to my leg, driving it over my flesh.

My first thought is that even if I lost them, they could still track my blood spatters through the forest.

My second thought is that for whatever reason, the wound was only surface level. If he wanted to incapacitate me, he could have easily done so.

“It’s only a matter of time til we fuck you,” one of them shouts, hardly out of breath.

I grit my teeth, utterly revolted by the thought of being defiled. But I realize that it’s going to happen whether I want it to or not.

The one with the dagger cuts me in my other leg, this time driving it in deeper.

The pain is excruciating, and even as he cuts me, I want to fall down and give up.

I have no idea what I’m waiting for or why I’m still fighting. I just know what my gut tells me.

A very small part of me still thinks there’s hope, even if I can’t see a future beyond this.