That’s only a few hours away. Once they take me out of here, I’m probably going straight to the noble elf. I start to panic, backing away from the door.

“I can’t do this,” I whisper, holding my head in my hands.

I look around the room, my eyes falling on the window. There’s probably someone stationed right outside of it, but it’s worth a shot.

As I approach the window, I realize that it’s too high up. I’ll have to jump if I want to reach it. I back up a little, then break into a run, reaching for the windowsill.

My fingers slip as I grab it, and I crash into the slimy floor, right on my back. The breath leaves my body and I gasp for air, clutching my chest.

“What’s going on in there?”

The door unlocks, and two elves barrel in as I’m still trying to fill my lungs back up with air. One of them grabs me by the shoulders, picking me up and shoving me against the wall, causing more air to leave me.

I gasp loudly, eyes widening. I can’t breathe.

“What were you trying to do, huh? Kill yourself?”

“No, look. I think she tried to climb up to the window and then fell.”

“Oh, you thought you were gonna escape on us again, huh? Nice fucking try, princess. Not happening.”

“I’ll grab some rope.”

“Good thinking. I’ll keep the little miss company while you’re gone.”

The elf gets as close to my face as he possibly can, and I can smell the ale still lingering on his rancid breath. If only I was still regaining my breath, then I wouldn’t have to smell it. His dark red eyes narrow as he looks at me.

“You’re lucky I can’t fuck you right now, little one. I could make you scream so loud that your little monster lover hears you all the way from here.”

I spit on his face, so angry that I can’t stop myself.

“You bitch. You really don’t know when to stop fighting,” he whispers, trailing a finger from my neck down to my breasts.

His finger continues past my navel, stopping right at my pubic bone. I refuse to let him touch me. I try to shake him off, but this only makes him angry. He grabs my neck, squeezing it as he slams my head back into the wall.

“That noble elf isn’t going to put up with this kind of behavior, you know. He’ll punish you in ways you’ve never even thought of. A girl doesn’t need her tongue to be a good fuck,” he smirks. “In fact, he might even prefer you not to be able to speak.”

Luckily, the other elf returns with the rope before he can scare me anymore. I try not to think too hard about what he said. Otherwise, I’m going to have a panic attack. But I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hit a nerve.

The two elves tie the rope around my midsection, pinning my arms under it, flat against my sides. Next, they begin tying my ankles together. I submit, not even bothering to put up a fight. There’s no point. That much has become obvious to me.

“That ought to hold her. Stand right outside the door until we come to get her. Do not leave.”

The elf I spit on earlier decides to return the favor before leaving the room, and with my arms tied down, there’s no way for me to wipe it off of my face. His spit slides down my cheek, over my nose, and down my other cheek as I lay there on my side.

All I can do is stare. I feel so defeated that I can’t even make myself cry. It’s over. It’s truly over. There is officially nothing I can do, and I’ll never get to see Zephiro again.

And he’ll never know what happened to me.



“Come,” Lorganus orders.

I stare at him blankly, my mind racked with sudden realization.

I’m going to be a father.