As I sit there, trembling behind the bush, I spot it… fylvek grass, just two feet away from me. Just my fucking luck.

I peek out from between some leaves to see three dark elves walking along the top of the ravine. There’s no way they won’t smell me when they get closer, and there’s no way I can run without them seeing or hearing me. I’m directly within their line of sight.

I hold my breath, hoping this will help. Maybe the wind is moving in the opposite direction, causing my scent to blow away from them. Maybe just this once, things will go my way.

The elves continue walking, getting closer by the second. I watch them pass by me, seemingly not scenting me. My heart feels like it’s beating in my throat. I could puke right now.

Suddenly, one of the elves stops, putting a hand out for the rest to follow suit. He tilts his head up towards the sky before turning his head to the right, facing in my direction.

“She’s here,” he finally says, looking around.

“And close,” another says.

“Let’s check down there.” One of them points at the ravine.

The three of them jump down and begin walking in the opposite direction of me. With their backs facing me, I decide that I can no longer sit here hoping they won’t find me. Something tells me they’re about to search every inch of this ravine, and now is my only chance to get the fuck out of here before they come back this way.

I slowly get out from behind the bush, making sure to not step on anything that will draw attention to me. I creep my way along, not daring a look behind me. Looking will only give me more anxiety, upping my chances of misstepping and getting exposed.

“Oh, what do we have here?” I stop in my tracks, eyes bulging out of my head as I look in the direction of the voice.

There’s a straggler elf just up ahead. I was so focused on watching the ground that I didn’t even see him come into view. With him in front of me and the three behind me, I’m completely trapped. There’s no way I’ll be able to climb to the top of the ravine in time. As an elf, he’s probably ten times faster than me.

But I have to at least try. I spring into action, scrambling up the side of the ravine, pretending that I don’t hear his spine-chilling laughter.

“We knew she was down here somewhere,” an elf says.

I guess the others heard the commotion and came to check it out. I ignore all of this, making my way up as fast as I can.

“Look at her, thinking she’s going to get away. How naive is this stupid girl?”

They all laugh, causing rage to course through my veins. They’re making fun of me, right before they capture me and take me back to the very place I’ve been trying to avoid all along.

And there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Okay, enough games. Let’s grab her before her monster friend shows up and slaughters us like he did the others.”

“What are you doing out here without him, anyways?” one of them calls to me.

I finally make my way to land, jumping to my feet and breaking out into a run.

“Ooh, I love a good chase!”

I can hear them close behind me. A sob breaks loose, much to my dismay. But I keep running.

“Aww, is she going to cry?”

Suddenly, a hand grabs my hair, yanking me backward. I scream, crashing into the ground at his feet. I look up at his cold, sharp face, shaking and unable to hide my terror.

“You didn’t really think you’d get away from us, did you, sweetheart?” he sneers.

The elf tightens his grip on my hair before using it to drag me away. I force myself not to cry, refusing to give them the satisfaction. Instead, I stare at the forest floor as I slide through it, trying and failing to grab anything to hold onto.

Despite my impending doom, all I can think about is Zephiro, waking up alone in that cave.