“Who’s we?”

I shake my head. She can’t know about them yet.

“Sorry. I meant ‘I,’” I amend.

An awkward silence passes. I approach the door once more, turning the handle.

“Is there any way I can get a bath? I just worry that I’m a little rank.”

“You smell fine.”

“Right,” she says. “But I would just feel a bit more comfortable if I could take one, you know?”

I nod, opening the door and slamming it behind me. Outside, the sun has begun to set, and the bugs are alive with their evening chirps.

She thinks I’ve ignored her request.

I smile as I look upon a tiphe tree, struck dead by stray lightning. “This should do.”

I try to remember how elves and humans build their baths. With my razor-sharp claws, I cut around and repurpose the wood, building something sturdy that will hold water. Carrying it back to the house is easy, though it’s awkward in my grasp.

Thankfully, it fits easily through the front door, held at an angle.

“What’s that?”

Her eyes are wide in disbelief, her mouth hanging open.

“Your bathtub,” I reply.

I can tell what’s running through her mind as I set it down. She thinks I’m going to leave her alone with the bath and that she might take that opportunity to escape.

I realize that I need to allow her new freedoms for her to be happy here, but I’m not leaving her side.

I help her to her feet, dragging her chains in my other hand after unclasping them from the bed.

“This really means a lot,” she says honestly. “Thank you so much.”

It’s a cue for me to leave, but I’m choosing to ignore it.

“Excuse me.” She looks at the door, gesturing for me to walk through it.

“Actually,” I say. “I’m feeling pretty dirty myself. Maybe I can help you out.”

I smirk.

She protests at first as I lead her over to the tub, which I’ve filled with spring water.

“Oh, come on,” I say. “It’s not like I haven’t seen everything anyway.”

She sighs. Piece by piece, she removes the clothing I stole for her from one of the many elf camps I attacked.

I can feel the heat emanating off of her. I can sense her arousal.

As we climb into the tub and I kneel behind her, washing her back, I feel her body screaming at me.

I know that she wants me.

Why am I stopping myself?