The scent from the bowl he carries reaches my nostrils. It smells delicious. But I will not capitulate and eat simply because he says so.

He walks across the room and sits on the bed next to me. “You are mine,” he tells me once more. “And you will eat. I will not have you starve yourself.”

From this close, I can smell the musky scent of his body. I want to be repulsed, but I actually quite like the smell. It is an honest and earthy scent, unlike the elves who like to engulf themselves in sickly sweet perfume.

The chain prevents me from getting too far away from him, but I lean away. My heart is hammering against my chest. The thought that he could touch me makes me feel sick to my stomach. “Stay away from me, you filthy beast,” I tell him.

He does not even flinch at my words. He just smiles gently and touches my cheek. His hands are calloused but warm and gentle.

I glare at him, annoyed at his infringement of my personal space. He looks like a savage animal, but there is a gentleness in his eyes as he looks back at me. He has me utterly perplexed. His home is well-kept and cared for, and the food he eats smells divine. From his speech, I can tell he is intelligent.

And yet he is a monster, and he has imprisoned me against my will.



As she glares at me, attempting to inch further away, I can’t help but find it adorable. Does she really think I’m going to let her defy me like this? She is mine, and she will do whatever I tell her to.

But perhaps I should have been a bit more friendly before stomping in here and demanding her to do my bidding. Maybe humans require more of an introduction to be made. It’s not like I’ve had much experience with this breed.

“I’m Zephiro. This is my home, and this is where you will be living from now on.”

“N-no,” she whispers.

I watch her every move, my eyes sweeping over her painstakingly beautiful body until they once again lock onto her face. Those piercing blue eyes watch me back with just as much precision.

“Tell me about yourself,” I command her.

A tremor rocks through her body as I move closer, and she has no choice but to answer me.

“M-my name is Sierra.”

“Sierra.” I repeat the name, enjoying the way it sounds coming out of my mouth. “Beautiful. Tell me more. How old are you?”

“I don’t know…” she says, casting her eyes downward.

“You don’t know? Don’t you lie to me, girl.”

“I’m not lying.” She looks back up at me. “I, um… I grew up as a slave for the dark elves. I’ve been their slave for my entire life. My parents have been dead –”

She stops suddenly, clasping one hand over her mouth, eyes wide. It appears that she has said more than she wanted to.

“Continue. You will tell me everything. There is no need to keep a secret.”

“My parents have been dead since I was a baby. I never knew them. I was raised with the rest of the human girls they stole. They killed all of our parents when they took us.”

“And you have no idea how long ago that was? You don’t keep track of time?”

“Well, I think I’m probably around twenty. I’m a mature woman. But I don’t know anything exact.”

“And what did these dark elves use you for?”

I already know the answer. With the state she was in when I found her, that much was obvious. But something in me needs to hear her say it.

Sierra looks back down at her bare legs, her cheeks turning a bright crimson color.

“I was to please them in any manner they wished.”