Page 87 of Lady Luck

Bree turned the camera back to her face. “He washes his body, face, and hair with the same soap. He probably washes his truck and dishes with it too.”

“Stop being a gossip, you witch. At least I don’t worship sweaters.”

Bree’s attention snapped to Cody, her expression unreadable behind the green mask as she said, “The CW called, they want their 2004 wardrobe back.”

Cody gasped, and then a door slammed.

My heart warmed at their easy relationship, glad that Bree did, in fact, have someone in her corner.

“So, you two fight often?”

She tried to smile, her green face mask creasing slightly with the movement. “It’s our love language. Our fight this morning was basically like a best-friends-forever blood oath.” She experimentally flexed her facial muscles and then pursed her lips, drawing my attention to them. “I think it’s time to wash this off. I feel like I’m turning to stone.”

“I’ll be here.”

And then I was watching the ceiling fan again.

Phone in hand, I took the opportunity to check on Aunt Ari and Uncle Gil, easing the sliding glass door to the balcony open. When I’d arrived a few hours ago, I’d been welcomed—into my own home—with a kiss from Ari and a smack on the back from Gil, both gushing about how much they loved it here. After I’d assured them that the restaurant was doing fine, they went back to their—my—bedroom for a nap.

As retirees do.

But the door was wide open and the room vacant, so they were probably out exploring the town. “The most charming place!” Ari had gushed to anyone who would listen.

I glanced back at my phone to check for Bree, but she wasn’t back yet, so I opened the hallway closet by the kitchen to check on the fire extinguisher I’d mounted there. The expiration date was still a ways off, so I shut the door and moved room to room to check the smoke detectors. They all seemed fine, but I sat the phone on the kitchen bar and started to take them down to change the batteries anyway, unsure of when I’d be back to check again. I had just gotten to the top of the step stool, the sight of my scarred arm reaching toward the detector over the bar a good reminder of why this was not overkill, when Bree’s voice sounded from my phone at the bar.

“Whatcha doin’ up there?”

I froze with my arm above my head and smiled down at my phone. I didn’t care for video chats or for texting, but I found myself more than willing to do them with Bree.

“Maintenance. Stand by.”

Stand by? I was glad she couldn’t see the frown on my face as I played back the weird response. I popped the battery compartment open and replaced the battery, then snapped the detector back together. “You might want to mute me for this part.” I looked down to see her nod, then pushed the test button, only flinching a little when the alarm chirped loudly.

I climbed down but left the stool out as a reminder to replace the others later and picked up the phone.

“Thanks for the warning,” she commented as I collapsed onto the living room couch. “I wonder how many smoke detectors Fortuna has,” she mused.

“They have an entire fire detection system. Alarms, detectors, sprinklers. The hotel side too.”

“Huh. I’ve never thought to notice.” There was something in her tone that was almost inviting, as if leaving the door cracked for me to offer more, but this call wasn’t about me.

I let myself scan the screen, taking in her clean, slightly pink, freckled face where she had positioned herself against the bed’s headboard. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing just how soft her hair was and how sweet the smell of her skin. I hadn’t had nearly enough of any part of her.

“You look beautiful.”

There wasn’t any disappointment in her smile, but there was some amusement. “You didn’t prefer my green face, then?”

“I’ll take any of them. All of them,” I answered truthfully.

She was quiet for a moment, her brow furrowing the longer she thought. “You know, I do feel better. Better than I have in a long time.”

“How long?”

“Longer than I’d be proud to admit.”

“Tell me,” I asked, despite the words sounding like a demand.

“This is going to be just like the beach,” she warned.