Page 72 of Lady Luck

I jolted as his hand settled on my thigh, but then I relaxed. My leggings were mostly dry thanks to the thin material, so I was able to enjoy the soothing warmth of his touch.

He gestured to my wrapped ankle. “Does it hurt much? Were they able to give you something for the pain?”

“No, it’s not too bad. And no. They only gave me ibuprofen, which will probably end up costing $500 per pill or something. None of the good stuff, unfortunately.” I smiled, feeling truly soothed for the first time all night. I could fall asleep right here, right now so easily. But I really didn’t want to. “I’d like to imagine that I’d be all loopy and excruciatingly endearing on the big-time pain meds, but… no. I’m pretty sure it’d be more like the ‘Beer Bad’ episode of Buffy. You know the one?” I searched his eyes but then sat up and slapped my hand over his where it still gripped my thigh and said urgently, “No, don’t answer that. I don’t want to know. I couldn’t bear it if you hadn’t. I’m too fragile right now.”

He laughed loudly, and his dark-as-coal eyes sparkled. “That was excruciatingly endearing. Maybe someone did slip you something.”

I groaned. “I wouldn’t put it past Cody to sweet-talk narcotics out of someone. I’m scared to experience him and Liem together. But really, I think this is tired delirium taking over. And when I think about it… I’m not sure if I’ve ever really talked to you any other way.” It apparently also made me painfully honest.

He’d started stroking soothing circles on my thigh as I rambled. Taking a bit of a chance and hoping I didn’t sound too needy—a ridiculous concept, considering he’d come to the hospital to see me after a simple sprained ankle—I met his gaze and whispered, “Can you say good morning again?”

His hand stopped moving, and it only took a moment before recognition lit his eyes. He braced the hand that wasn’t gripping my leg above my pillow and leaned forward, grazing his lips over mine in a soft, healing caress.

I wanted to chase his lips for more, but he pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. “We’ll get you some rest tonight, Bree. And I’ll say good morning again when the sun rises. In the actual morning.”

A throat pointedly cleared from the doorway, making me stiffen, but Vinh stayed right where he was. He breathed me in one more time and placed a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth before pulling back and turning toward the doorway.

I dragged my gaze from Vinh and found the nurse from the front desk leaning against the doorway, gaze searching the room. Apparently not finding who she was looking for, she spoke. “I just wanted to say that the delightful young Cajun man finished filling out your paperwork and supplied your insurance card and ID, so you’re all set. Tanya will be back in here in just a minute for your care instructions and discharge paperwork.”

Confused, I looked at the nurse and then Vinh, trying to gather the courage to ask the most basic of questions but not wanting to seem a bother.

Vinh had no such qualms. “Does that mean her X-rays came back?”

She gave Vinh a scandalized look. “Like I said before, I cannot share medical information with you.”

I managed to hold back my eyeroll, but thankfully Tanya chose that moment to breeze into the room.

“Ms. Faust, your X-rays didn’t show anything of concern. Stay off that foot for a few days, and ice and elevate it as much as possible. If you have any concerns, call or come back.”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

She nodded curtly and left with the front desk nurse in tow.

“Well, that’s good news.”

I nodded my agreement and heaved myself into a sitting position, inching to the edge of the bed with Vinh’s help.

“I’m going to help you up now. I assume you want to change before we head out?”

“Oh God, yes. Dry clothes sound amazing.”

His smile was all satisfaction as he lifted me up and helped me to the bathroom, where I assured him that I could take over. He seemed willing to argue but refrained and handed me the backpack.

“Fair warning, Liem packed it. I’m not exactly sure what’s in there.”

I waved him off, taking the bag. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Well. This was a statement.

If it were a written one, it would contain the penmanship of one Cody Desmond and one Liem Lott. I cleaned the mud splatters off my skin as best I could with the help of those brown paper towels that smelled horrible when wet for whatever reason—gross—and started donning my borrowed clothes. The backpack held a pair of black boxers, a V-neck T-shirt with a tech company logo on the breast—Vinh’s company, I assumed—and the same jean jacket from the night in the hallway. I knew Liem had brought clothes for Cody too, so it made me wonder which he’d taken out for himself.

Re-dressed, in a loose sense of the word, I threw my hair up into a damp, messy bun and pulled the collar of the jacket to my face, inhaling deeply. Eucalyptus and lemongrass. I think that duo was my favorite.



“I like you in my clothes.”