Page 131 of Lady Luck

“Okay, Miss Faust, that’s the worst of it. I’m going to cover you in a thin sheet so you won’t feel so exposed, okay? You shouldn’t even be able to feel it, and it won’t disturb your injuries. I’m also increasing your pain medication. We’d rather you stay awake as much as you can so we can monitor you for a possible concussion. I don’t think you have one, but we weren’t able to complete that assessment before treating your other injuries.”

I nodded my agreement, assuming she could see me even though I couldn’t see her, as the nurse in front of me squeezed my hand again. “You were so brave, Miss Faust.”

That didn’t feel true at all, but I could make it true. I swallowed once and then again, trying to add some moisture to my throat. “Do you know if anyone was found in the house? In the fire?”

The nurse furrowed her brows. “No, I don’t. Would you like for me to go see what I can find out?”


“Yes, please.”

“And do you want one of the people asking for you to come in? It might help you stay awake.”

I wanted Vinh.

Nurse, can you bring me a tall, messy-haired, dark-eyed, scarred, and tattooed man with the manners of a perfect gentleman… unless we’re naked? Vinhhh. My Vinh.

A giggle escaped my throat, and the nurse’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “Whew, that was fast. I think the drugs are kicking in, honey.”

I tried to nod, but I thought I only moved my eyelids. “Yup, yup. Yup. Can Mrs. Lott come visit? Pleeease?”

“Of course, I’ll be right back.”

“Wait!” I yelled, a bit of clarity coming back into my mind as she moved past me and sent a waft of air against me. “Can you make sure my butt is covered? Mustn—” I swallowed hard. “Mustn’t moon her. That’s anti-matter… manners. The worst manners.”

A cool hand stroked across my cheek, and I cracked open an eye to find Mrs. Lott sitting in front of me, her face set in a calm mask that reminded me so much of her eldest son.

She smiled. “How’re you feeling?”

“I’m okay. How about you?” I answered automatically, my voice hoarse. They must have decreased my pain meds because I wasn’t feeling even remotely giggly anymore.

I turned downright somber when Mrs. Lott leveled me with the mommest of all mom looks, and I folded like a lawn chair, answering her more honestly. “Thirsty. And uncomfortable.”

“I’ve got you some ice chips, but I think it will be difficult to eat them in this position. Do you want me to ask the nurses if we can move you onto your side?”

I nodded because the only thing that sounded better than ice was Vinh. Mrs. Lott, bless her ability to miss nothing, answered my unspoken question as she stood up. “Vinh will be here any minute. Let’s see if we can get you situated before then.”

Only minutes later I was holding back screams, my teeth nearly piercing my lip with the effort as I was maneuvered into a side-lying position with a soft wedge supporting my back and my legs propped with pillows. It still hurt pretty bad, especially when I moved the wrong way and tugged on the burns and cuts, but overall, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d expected or that it could have been. A nurse had helped me into a backless hospital gown before the move, so I was feeling much less vulnerable all around.

Mrs. Lott’s phone beeped, and she pulled it out to read the message. “Monny says that Vinh is here. Would you like for him to come in? If you don’t, he will wait outside until you are ready.”

My lips twitched at her no-nonsense offer. She spoke precisely and said what she meant, so much like her son did. “How do I look? I don’t want to send him spiraling.”

There was a flash of sadness in her gaze, but she masked it quickly.

“The woman he loves was involved in a fire-related accident. I think it’s safe to say the spiraling ship has well and truly sailed. All we can do now is navigate it together.”

I nodded, at peace with the lack of shock at the word love.

The worry and abject devastation in his gaze when he entered my room a breath later, collapsed at my bedside, and made no move to hide the tears that fell down his cheeks would’ve been enough on its own.

But the way he held my hand and kissed my knuckles while murmuring, “I love you; I love you….”

That was everything.