Page 71 of Shaped By Discovery

“My air magic gives me access to spirits within the realm, the same way my light gives me healing and the ability to see glimpses of the future. Auras are essentially pieces of us that are on a spiritual level, which means I can see them. Well, most of them.”

She gazes down at Serena, and I don’t need to ask what she means by that. Serena seems to be the exception to every rule.

“Auras show bonds that have the potential to form, beasts’ nature, our desires, and to which element we have the strongest bond. It’s a lot to know and have on your shoulders, but it helps me to help my people,” she says with an almost sad smile.

I can see how it might be a lot. Power has a way of corrupting people and putting a target on someone’s back. Judging by her expression, I’m guessing that’s also true in this realm.

The sheer number of things she’s just told me overwhelms me, but one thing stands out more than the rest.

“What did you mean by bonds that have the potential to form?” I can’t help but ask.

I know it’s not important, not really. With Serena unconscious, us being in another realm, and everything else she just said, it’s honestly the least important thing. Yet something about it got not only my attention but also my beast’s.

The queen moves back from the bed, gracefully falling into the only chair in the room that sits behind her. She moves with such surety and power that it’s hard not to be in awe of her for that alone. Add in her abilities and her compassion, and I imagine she’s a good queen to have. It begs the question of why Serena ever left.

But that’s a question for another time, though, specifically when she’s awake and able to hear the answer as well.

“In this realm, bonds are a gift given by the gods. We are fated to our mates from the time we’re born, but that doesn’t mean we are without free will. If someone does not want a bond, they can be without it. Sometimes, the bond will never present itself. Other times, someone will reject it. Our bonds are almost tangible things, though, pieces of us, so if they are accepted, they simply are.” She waves her hand in the air as if it’s so simple.

It’s not.

The idea that a bond can form just like that is unheard of. Fated mates are things of fairy tales and legends where we come from.

“So you can see if someone has a bond with someone else even before it’s formed?” The question is out of my mouth before I can think better of it.

I cringe at how desperate I must seem, and when her gaze meets mine, I know what she will say even before she says it.

“I can see the potential for a bond, but nobody knows if they will be accepted until they are.”

It’s a nice way of telling me she won’t be giving me any information regarding bonds. That’s fair, but knowing she might have the answers I want almost desperately still stings.

“I’m sorry, dear. I know it seems unfair, but we’re not to know these things for a reason, and it’s often best to let these things happen on their own,” she says, standing and running a hand down her dress to soothe the nonexistent wrinkles.

For some reason, I believe her, and maybe it really is for the best. I have a million other things I should be worried about with everything going on.

I push all thoughts of the bond away for now.

“Thank you for caring for Serena. I’m glad she has you,” I say to change the subject.

“Serena is like a daughter to me in more ways than one. It’s been too long since she was here, and I’ve missed her terribly. Thank you for taking care of her in my absence.”

I swallow down my need to correct her. I want to let her know that Serena is the one who took care of us and that we’ve failed her more often than I’d like to admit, and I simply nod.

Shouts filter in through the window, drawing our attention, and I get the feeling the guys have arrived.

“I need to go and check on that. But nothing’s wrong with Serena. She just needs time.” She walks to the end of the bed, pointing to the pants she had laid on the end of the bed earlier. “Those pants have magic woven into them, meaning they won’t go poof when you shift. I would suggest putting them on. Something tells me you won’t be alone up here for long.”

With that, she leaves, letting the door fall closed behind her.

I look at the pants, searching for a sign that they have magic, but find nothing. They sound too good to be true, but I can’t deny the idea of shifting and not being naked after is appealing.

It sure would have been nice earlier.

I know I need to put them on. Any minute now, the guys will be here demanding answers I don’t have, but they can wait a few more minutes. For now, I pull Serena closer to my chest, wrap her tight in my arms, and kiss her forehead.

“I love you, Carrots. Please don’t leave me.”

Storm’s on edge the whole way to the castle, but at least he’s mostly in control.