Page 83 of Shaped By Discovery

It’s crazy to think I ever looked at him as a stranger when I know him just as well as the guys, just as well as I know myself.

“How did you know his mother is the queen?” Blair asks, pulling Garrett’s attention momentarily before his eyes snap back to me, wide with understanding.

“You remember?” The hope and uncertainty in those two words are heartbreaking.

I nod, unable to swallow down the lump in my throat. My emotions are so high I feel like I’m choking on them. It’s enough for Garrett, though, and the next thing I know, I’m in his arms.

“Shit, Tiny, I was beginning to think I’d have to win you back all over again,” he says with his lips pressed against the top of my head.

I can’t help but laugh because, of course, that would be his plan.

“You did it once. I have no doubt you could do it again.”

The guys don’t leave my side, hovering like mama birds, and for once, I can’t blame them. I’d missed them, and minus their bickering, I can’t say I mind them close.

I do mind the fact that Storm’s missing. Lyle keeps saying it’s for his own good, but I can’t see it. Storm would never hurt me, and it’s not his fault the bond is making him crazy. I can’t help but feel guilty knowing he’s not here with us because of me.

I’m torn between being grateful that I followed the wisps and got my memories back and feeling like an asshole for dragging them all here after me only to end up like this. Lyle’s pissed. I knew he would be, but instead of saying something to me, he seems to be taking it out on Garrett. If looks could kill, he would have killed him a dozen times over by now.

After I’d assured everyone I was okay at least a dozen times, Garrett had run off to let his mother know I was awake.

I try for the better part of an hour to go down to the dungeon with no success. Lyle even goes so far as to stand in front of the door like a damn bouncer.

I don’t even try to hold back my laughter when Garrett finally comes back and hits him in the back with the door.

Serves him right.

Apparently, everyone was given a room when they arrived, but none of them wanted to leave me. Instead, they’ve all crammed themselves in here with me for the last five days. Something about that made me feel happy and guilty at the same time, but I didn’t have time to think about it right now. No, right now, I wanted to go to Storm. The guys said he was a bit restless, his beast on edge while I was out because of the bond. But I’m awake now, so I don’t see why they haven’t gone for him yet.

Rosalynn told Garrett she would check on me in the morning and gave us the all-clear to head to our rooms. The second I hear the okay to go, I take off for the door, only for Blair to scoop me up into his arms.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks with a snarky smile that I usually love. His smiles are rare and often just with me, but he’s generally on my side or, at the very least, not holding me hostage.

I don’t give him the satisfaction of an answer; instead, I cross my arms and ignore him. It’s childish, but right now, they’re getting on my last nerve with this shit about Storm.

I missed them, all of them, and it feels like we’re missing a part of us with him gone. It only bugs me more that they don’t seem to feel the same.

Garrett leads the way out of the medical room and up to the guest wing. My room was here as a child, and my stomach sinks as I realize it’s probably not mine anymore.

“These six rooms are for you. If you need anything, just let me or one of the staff know.”

Pike practically runs to the first door and throws it open before turning around with a disappointed look. “These rooms are lame. I expected more for friends of the prince,” he whines.

“These are just basic guest rooms. Mother didn’t exactly have a heads up that I was coming back, let alone bringing all of you,” Garrett tells him, and I don’t miss the fact that he didn’t disagree with the comment about being friends. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

“The only room that is specific is Serena’s, and it’s the last one,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck as he looks at me. “It’s your room, still the same as when you left,” he admits.

Well, if I wasn’t warm and fuzzy before, I sure as hell am now. I’m not sure why it matters so much. It’s not as though I had a lot before, but something about him keeping my room makes me happy. So happy that my cheeks ache from how big I’m smiling.

“Is it bigger than these rooms?” Lyle asks, shattering our moment in a way I’m sure he’s more than happy with himself.

“Um, no, they’re all the same size.”

Lyle looks at Blair, and I watch their silent conversation before he gives a nod toward the end of the hall.

Oh no, they don’t!

“No! No way, these rooms are too small,” I protest, knowing exactly what they are planning.