Page 74 of Shaped By Discovery

“It won’t take long, Storm. My mother is one of the most gifted healers of all time. If anyone can help Serena, it’s her.” Garrett tries to assure him, and for a second, I think it might be working.

That is until Storm steps up to him and grabs him by his collar, yanking him forward until they’re no more than a breath apart.

“And what if she can’t? What then?” Storm’s voice cracks with pain, and I feel it as if it’s my own, probably because it is. I want nothing more than for Garrett’s mother to have some magic fix for this, for Serena to come down and tell us all how crazy we all are for worrying so much. I want it so bad I can almost imagine how she would roll her eyes at our fussing.

The alternative isn’t something I can even imagine. Not for lack of trying; it doesn’t matter what I think. It’s as if my brain can’t picture an outcome that doesn’t lead to Serena being fine.

It’s kind of like when you try to imagine what it would be like to die. You can’t picture a world without you because you are here. You’re your own main character.

“We’ll figure something out, Storm,” Garrett says, raising a hand to rest on Storm’s. “Whatever it takes, we will figure it out. No matter what, I promise we won’t give up on Serena.” He’s talking to Storm, reassuring him, but I can see the truth in his eyes as he says them, his words ringing out for all of us. This isn’t just some empty promise to soothe him. No, Garrett means every word, and why wouldn’t he? He searched for her for years. I have no doubt he has no intention of giving up, now or ever.

The guys might not like Garrett much, but there’s no denying he cares for Serena just as much as we do.

“Unhand the prince,” Nero demands, coming up to stand next to Storm, looking ready for a fight. At this point, I’m half hoping Storm loses it and puts him in his place for pushing him. It’s a gamble considering we know next to nothing about this realm, but if anything were going to knock this asshole down a peg, it would be that. I know his type; he thinks his rank makes him better than us, but I’m not so sure.

“Fuck off,” Storm hisses before he does, in fact, release Garrett. However, I think it has more to do with Garrett than Nero’s demand.

“Nero, I said stand down. They aren’t from here, nor are they our subjects,” Garrett tells him, looking both annoyed and exhausted.

“Sire, the law is still the law, and should you choose to, you would be well within your right to take his hand for his offense.” Nero seems all too happy about the idea of someone losing a limb.

This guy needs therapy and someone to keep an eye on him.

“That law is old and not one that we abide by anymore, you know that.” Garrett rubs at his temples, and Pike laughs out loud.

“Man, Garrett, I was a little jealous of you being a prince and all, but if being a prince means you have to deal with this asshole, I’m not so sure it’s worth it,” Pike teases.

Garrett shakes his head and huffs a laugh but doesn’t disagree, and I swear Nero’s face turns red before he stalks back to his post.

Serves him right.

“Clear the garden,” Garrett calls a moment later, turning to see all the guards scattered around us. It takes a second, but they begin to file out, back the way we came in.

Everyone but Nero.

“You too, Nero.”

“But, sire, I’m the head of the guard. My job is to ensure your safety, which I cannot do if I’m not here,” he sputters, seemingly caught off guard at being dismissed.

“My safety is of no concern with them.” I see Garrett’s eyes dart to Lyle as if he's not entirely sure that’s the truth, but he doesn’t take back what he said.

Nero opens his mouth as if to argue further, but a woman walks out into the garden before he can. The moment he sees her, he drops to one knee, head bowed.

This must be Garrett’s mother, the queen.

Even without his show of respect, I would have guessed it. Something about her screams elegance, power, and compassion: the smile on her face seems genuine as she approaches us, and I decide I like her already.

“Garrett, my boy!” Her voice is full of emotions, and I can see tears fill her eyes as she wraps him up in her arms and pulls him close.

“Hey, Mom,” Garrett says, his voice soft as he returns her embrace.

“Gods, it’s been so long. Let me get a proper look at you!” She pulls back, gripping his shoulders and looking him over with a smile.

“I’m so happy you were able to find her,” she pauses, taking a breath before her face takes on a more stern look.

While my own parents are often missing from my life, I’ve spent enough time around the twins’ mother to hear the but that’s coming.

“But the next time you leave for twenty years, at least have the decency to write. My heart can’t handle this again. Losing you both was terrible.”