Page 66 of Shaped By Discovery

A low possessive growl vibrates through the air a second before Storm lunges, but he doesn’t make it far. For how damn big Blair is, he’s quick. I watch as he reaches out, his fingers wrapping around Storm’s tail, and with a tug, yanks him back just before he slams into Sol, who stands frozen.

“Get her out of here!” Blair grunts as he digs his heels into the ground to stop Storm’s desperate need to get to his mate. Pike hops up on Storm’s back, wrapping his arms around his muzzle while Lyle shifts, standing as a wall between them.

“God damn it, Sol. Go!” Pike shouts as Storm bucks and growls, desperate to be free.


His eyes find mine across the field, and he finally shakes free from his shock. The second he’s moving again, I shift, careful to ensure I don’t crush any of them beneath my feet. With one solid leap, Sol is on my back, and I have to fight the urge to dump him back onto the ground.

Wyverns are proud creatures, my wyvern, more so than ever being an alpha. It doesn’t help that one day I’ll be the king as if he didn’t have a big enough ego as it was.

It’s for our mate, you hot-headed asshole! I scold him. He blows out an annoyed puff of smoke but doesn’t throw Sol off, so I’ll take it.

Hold on!

I shout through the bond and hope he hears me. Communication through the bond with them is still new, and I’m honestly not sure if they’ve even experienced it yet. It could be something I have because I had it with Serena already, for all I know.

Before I can mentally scold myself for not telling him before I shifted, I feel his hands grip my scales, the warmth of Serena, where her body is pressed against me. The spot burns hotter than the flames that live inside my beast. A satisfied rumble stirs in my chest, having my mate back home with my beast where she belongs.

The clearing is too small to spread my wings properly. Instead, I crouch low, using the strength in my legs to leap into the air. The second I clear the treetops, I let my wings unfold, cutting through the air and pushing us higher. I hear the guy’s shouts as the air whips them around, threatening to put them on their ass.

Two flaps of my wings, and the guys are nothing but specks. The trees are so far down that they’re a sea of green.

When we get far enough away, Storm should chill out. Once he’s calm, follow the pull toward Serena. If you travel shifted, it shouldn’t take you more than a few hours to reach the castle.

None of them answer, but I can feel them struggling to hold Storm, their warring emotions.

When you get to the castle, tell them you’re with me.

With that, I take off, heading back to my childhood home and praying to the gods that this is the right choice.

I’m riding a fucking dragon. I’m riding a fucking dragon !

I repeat it over and over in my mind, but it still doesn’t seem real. Below us, everything is small, the way a miniature town might be if it were made of Legos or those little Christmas towns. I’d thought our beasts were massive, but Garrett is on another level. Sitting on his back, I feel tiny, like I’m sitting atop a plane. He’s easily as long as Blair’s Titanoboa, maybe even longer. His scales are a deep red color, a few shades darker than his hair, that is until we break through the clouds. The second the sun hits him, it’s almost as if he’s changed colors; his dark scales glitter and damn near glow, making it hard to even look too closely at him.

The wind whips at my hair, face, and hands, but I keep them wrapped tight around one of Garrett’s gigantic scales, which I can just barely wrap my fingers around.

His dragon scales.

A wyvern, actually.

Garrett’s voice rings out in my mind as if he’d just spoken to me aloud, and I can’t stop myself from cringing at the foreign feeling. The first time I’d heard the guy’s thoughts earlier, I’d thought I was losing it, but it keeps happening, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to it.

You will. It just takes time.

I can hear the hint of laughter in his words, and while I know he’s not laughing at me, it doesn’t stop me from feeling defensive.

Will you just be forever in my head now? I ask, or at least try to. Honestly, I have no idea how this shit works. Everything has shifted since he showed up, and it only got crazier when we stepped through that damn portal with him.

Not that I regret it.

Looking down at Serena, where she’s tucked between my body and arms so that I can ensure she doesn’t fall off, I can’t bring myself to regret a single fucking thing. No matter how crazy, strange, or downright scary things might be, so long as she’s here, it’s worth it.

No, you will learn to control it. I’ll teach you.

His tone is softer, and I get the feeling he heard my every thought just now, but I can’t bring myself to care.

Can you talk like this with Serena?