Page 65 of Shaped By Discovery

He can get in line, though. He knows as well as I do that I don’t have the answers he wants. If he needs someone to blame, he can blame me all he wants, but I don’t have time to entertain his misplaced anger right now.

“Serena, Tiny, open your eyes.”

My nickname for her slips out before I can stop it, my panic getting the best of me.

“What’s wrong with her?” Sol asks, his tone missing the bite that Lyle’s had. His concern bleeds into his voice and makes me pause. I’m not the only one who cares about her. These guys came through a fucking portal for her and are in a whole new realm.

“I don’t know,” I admit, shaking my head against the endless possibilities that run through my mind. There could be so many things, some nothing to worry about, while others…

No! I can’t think like that.

Right now, she needs us to keep it together and help her.

“We have to get her to my mother.”

Pushing off the ground, I look around before scooping her into my arms.

I need more room to shift. Somewhere where the trees aren’t as dense.

“What will that do?” Lyle demands, keeping pace behind me and nearly breathing down my neck.

“My mother is the best healer in the realm. If anyone can help, she can,” I grit back through clenched teeth without slowing. We don’t have time for more of an explanation right now. He’s just going to have to trust me.

We break through the trees into a clearing less than a minute later. It’s not nearly large enough for my beast, but it will have to do. Every minute counts right now, and if I have to take down a few trees to help Serena, so be it.

I feel the guys behind me even before I turn around. Their emotions are so strong it’s almost as if I can taste them. Worry mixes with fear, distrust, and anger, creating an almost bitter bite in the air.

Fuck, being linked to people who hate you is a lot more annoying than I thought it was going to be.

“I’m going to shift. When I do, put her on my back.”

I all but shove Serena into Sol’s arms before turning and jogging into the center of the clearing. He seems to hate me the least, so he’s probably the best bet to help me or help me help her, at least.


Lyle’s voice rings out around the clearing, echoing back from the dense trees, and I come to a screeching halt. The forest is always alive with sounds, even at night, but right now, it’s rendered silent. Not a cricket or owl to be heard in the aftermath of his alpha bark.

Turning back to face him, I curl my hands at my sides to prevent them from shaking. His smug look tells me he thinks I stopped because he made me.

What a dumbass.

Eventually, I will take great pleasure in teaching him the way of this realm, but not right now.

“What?” I spit through clenched teeth, trying and failing to keep my annoyance in check. I like to think of myself as a pretty laid-back guy. It takes a lot to make me snap. Serena’s safety is one of those things, and every second he wastes, he pushes me closer to the edge.

“She can’t hold on while she’s unconscious,” Pike shouts before he can answer, earning a glare from Lyle.

Fuck, I hadn’t even thought about that.

“I’ll ride with her,” Storm says, turning to his twin. Sol looks at him, and even halfway across the clearing, I can see his brows knit together.

“No,” he says with a shake of his head before stepping back and pulling Serena closer to his chest.

It happens so fast even I don’t see it, and I’m looking right at him.

One second, Storm is standing before his brother, arms out, ready to take Serena, and the next, he’s on all fours, standing before him as his Cave Lion.

“Fuck!” Lyle shouts as Pike, Blair, and him all move at once.