Page 60 of Shaped By Discovery

But that’s crazy. Right?

“Thanks,” I mumble, unsure what else to say or if she’s even talking to me.

She doesn’t correct me, so I figure I’m just on edge from the day I’m having.

“Shadow is going to take you to the castle!” She claps her hands together and jumps in place like it’s the best news she’s ever heard.

I mean, it’s great for me, but I don’t understand why she’s so excited. I don’t even know her.

That saying about looking a gift horse in the mouth suddenly feels much more relatable.

I should just say thank you, take the horse and get going.

I open my mouth, intent on doing just that, but of course, my curiosity gets the better of me.

“Why are you helping me?”

The smile drops from her face, and her brow scrunches in confusion.

“Isn’t that what friends do?” she asks seriously, if not cautiously, as if genuinely confused.

“Um, well, yeah. But I’ve only just met you. I don’t even know your name.”

She’s on me in a flash, almost knocking me over as she throws her arms around me in a hug that feels more like it was meant to be a tackle. Looking at her, you wouldn’t think she’s so solid, but the lack of oxygen in my lungs tells me I underestimated her.

“Silly me, I’m Theo,” she says into my chest as she squeezes me.

She releases me as quickly as she grabs me, stepping back and smiling at me. I hadn’t realized how short she was until now. I’m used to being the one who has to damn near break my neck to look up at everyone, but with her, I actually have to look down. Maybe she’s younger than I initially thought.

“Nice to meet you, Theo.” I force fake cheer into my voice, but if she notices, she doesn’t say anything.

It’s not that I’m unhappy to meet her; it’s just strange. It’s not just her, either; this whole day has me feeling out of place and confused, and I get the feeling it’s not going to get better.

I didn’t think it was possible, but her smile grows even bigger, and she lets out a high-pitched squeal that has me wincing and Shadow hoofing at the ground in what I assume is annoyance.

Theo’s smile melts off her face, and she’s almost a blur of motion as she reaches out, grabbing my wrist and Shadow’s reins and pulling us further into the forest.


“Shhh,” she hisses, and I instinctively scan the trees for a threat.

We’re off the beaten path, so deep that most of the light is lost to the dense leaves overhead.

I hear them before I see them—just the soft sound of feet on the gravel path. I can still see it from here, but I know most wouldn’t be able to see us unless they were specifically searching for us. Given that the people in the village were so set on ignoring me, I doubt anyone is.

Regardless, Theo seems intent on hiding, so I keep quiet.

Neither of us says a word as two men walk down the path, chatting absently. Their conversation seems like they’re just shooting the shit, trying to pass the time, but that’s not what gets my attention.

They’re both wearing golden armor, but otherwise, they look like every other person I saw in the village. They seem to be in a good mood, smiling and relaxed.

So why is Theo so afraid?

We watch them until they disappear, then wait a bit longer.

“Now, you need to get going. There’s nothing here for you in the forest, so—” She draws the word out like a song as she grabs my hand and Shadow’s reins, skipping as she pulls us both to the path.
