Page 48 of Shaped By Discovery

I look up from the ground, lying in the dirt, my back crushing the dry, fallen leaves below me. It’s strange; I don’t even remember falling. I try to move, but the pain makes it impossible, and I hear the sound of my beast whine.

Unable to move, I rack my brain, trying to remember when I shifted, but everything’s a blur. All there is right now is pain.

High in the sky above us, something flies overhead, casting a shadow that completely blocks the sun. It’s all I can do to track the movement with my eyes as I lay paralyzed by the pain. I’m unsure how, but even without confirmation, I know it’s Garret. The same way I know myself when I look in the mirror.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

He’s not a damn bird at all.

I’m so comfortable I don’t know if I could move even if the house were on fire. Besides, that’s the joy of not one, but two of your best friends having an affinity for water.

The twins!

The thought of them has me springing up so fast that I almost fall face-first off the mountain of pillows and blankets onto the floor. Yesterday’s events come back like a tidal wave as I look around Ryker’s little library bedroom area.

Speaking of Ryker.

He’s a pretty big guy and not easy to miss, so unless he’s disappeared into thin air again, he’s not here.

I stand, turning toward one of the bookshelves. Considering the language difference, I doubt I’ll be able to read a single book here, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the books, anyway. They’re the old-style leather-bound ones. Each spine has a beautiful pop of color; the words almost appear metallic. They vary in height and thickness, but as I run my fingers along the spines, I find them clean, if not a little worn, with not a speck of dust.

Movement near the window catches my attention from the corner of my eye, and I almost jump out of my skin when I look over to find Ryker standing there.

“Fuck!” I scream, slapping a hand to my chest to keep my heart from beating its way out.

He doesn’t so much as flinch, his lip ticking up for a fraction of a second before he shakes his head, returning to his usual impassive self.

“You scared the shit out of me,” I scold him, annoyed that he snuck up on me but even more annoyed that he caught me snooping. Well, kind of snooping. It’s not as though I can do much without being able to read the books. Something about it still feels strange, though. Him watching me so closely without my knowledge as I touch his things without permission.

Though I guess this might be cosmic justice. After all these years of creeping up on the guys, maybe I’ve finally met my match. Not to mention, I startled him last night as well.

“Sorry,” he says, though he doesn’t sound sorry, “I heard you and thought you might like to join me.” He turns, opening his arm in a broad, sweeping gesture.

Out the window?

My brain can’t quite grasp what’s happening for a second as I stand there like an idiot, staring at him.

There was glass there last night. It was a window, I’m sure of it. If there hadn’t been, it would have been a lot colder, first of all. Second, I specifically remember it because of its colored panes, which are very much missing right now.

“You don’t have to, though,” he says before turning and stepping… Out the fucking window!

“Wait!” I yell, throwing my hands up and stepping toward him. I’m not sure what I intend to do. I’m much too far to reach him and not fast enough to cover the distance, not to mention I’m not sure I could support his weight even if I got to him.

Logically, I know a fall from this height wouldn’t hurt him, but the idea of him stepping out the window still shoots panic through me. Panic that I probably shouldn’t be feeling over a virtual stranger, but nonetheless, is here regardless.

“Yeah?” Ryker asks, stepping back into view a moment later and confusing me further.

“Wh-what is going on?” I ask, scrambling across the bed to the window to see for myself.

I reach the hole in the wall and pop my head out, gripping the edge so I don’t fall. Ryker stands on the roof of the lower level. It’s lower than the window, which explains his disappearance, but not by much. The window that appeared as though it was missing from inside isn’t missing at all, and it also isn’t just a window. This close, I can see it’s on hinges. It rests open against the side of the house like a door.

The lower roof is flat and just big enough for the blanket he has laid out on it. As I look out, Ryker holds his hand out to me in offering, and it takes me a second to realize he’s offering me help out of the window.

Tentatively, I reach out, resting my hand in his before climbing onto the ledge and jumping down. He keeps me steady, ensuring I won’t fall before he drops his hold on me. He sinks down to sit on the blanket facing out toward the forest, and I have to scold myself for missing the contact immediately.

Ugh, I’m pathetic. Just the slightest bit of attention, and I’m a pile of brainless goo.

“Thanks,” I say, sitting beside him.