Page 45 of Shaped By Discovery

“About that…” he trails off, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck again, and I know whatever he’s going to say will piss me off even before he says it.

“I don’t have enough power to open it without the wisps.”

“Motherfucker!” I shout, lunging forward. Unfortunately, Blair hadn’t dropped his hold on my arm, and I only get about half a step forward before he yanks me back. He pulls hard, putting me on my ass, before he turns to face me. I’m met with his cold reptile eyes instead of his usual dark brown ones, and I know I’ve pushed him just a little too far.

Blair hardly ever loses his cool, but I guess losing Rena would be a good reason for him to. We’re all the same, it would seem.


I don’t know what makes me put the pieces together right now, but now that they line up, it’s impossible for me to miss it.

We all love her.

Damn it, how did I miss this for all these years?

I don’t even try to get up, looking around the clearing at each of the guys. Even Lyle, in all his cold exterior and rules, loves her too.

I know Garrett does as well. Nobody looks for someone for as long as he claims without feeling something, but I look anyway, and it’s easy to see.

Blair turns away from me and back to Garrett, clearly done with me, but that’s fine. I’m pretty done with myself right now, too. Pulling my knees up, I rest my elbows on them and prop my chin in my hand, letting the other dangle. Maybe if I keep my ass down here, I’ll cool the fuck off and stop trying to attack him. At least until we know for sure if he’s full of shit or not.

“Is there another way to open it without the will-o-wisps?” Blair asks, and if everything weren’t so tense, it would be damn funny to hear him asking about little mythical creatures. Shit, I almost laugh aloud from hysteria, but I choke it back. I don’t think he would appreciate that right now.


“Maybe?” Lyle snaps, but Blair’s sharp glare shuts him up, too.

“So the only other way I can think of doing it would be to power share,” Garrett says with a shrug, as if it’s no big deal, but I’ve never heard of that even being a possibility.

Sol barks a laugh next to me.

Damn, looks like he broke first.

“No way, that’s not even possible,” he says, shaking his head as if he can’t believe Garrett would have even suggested it.

Honestly, I feel like he should have expected it at this point. Nothing that comes out of Garrett’s mouth makes any fucking sense, hasn’t since the second he showed up.

“How?” Blair asks, ignoring Sol and the glare he shoots his way.

“It’s pretty easy. You just have to call your element forward and out into me. Then I’ll channel it to the moon gate, and if everything works the way it should, the portal will open, and we can go through,” Garrett explains, and while he makes it sound simple enough, he doesn’t sound very confident.

“Have you ever done this before?”

“And what if everything doesn’t work?”

Pike and I both question at the same time. Garrett looks at me for a moment before turning his gaze to Pike with a sigh.

“No, I’ve never done it, and if it doesn’t work, I’m not sure. It would make us tired from overuse, but it wouldn’t hurt us or anything like that. But I also don’t know another way to open it…”

He trails off, but he doesn’t need to finish his sentence for us to understand what he’s trying to say. If this doesn’t work, we don’t have another way to get to Rena. And while I don’t really believe all this portal and other realm talk, I dislike the idea of her being out of our reach even more.

I know he loves her. I’ve seen it since the day he started hanging around. I’d thought he just had a crush, but after the library, it was clear—the same way it is now. As much as I don’t want to believe what he’s saying is true, I can’t think of a reason he would lie. He wants to get to Rena just as badly as the rest of us.

“It’s impossible,” Sol groans, running a hand through his hair in annoyance. “I know we want to get her back, but you guys are talking about something out of myths and fairytales here. Will-o-wisps, moon gates, power sharing to travel to another realm! Do you hear yourselves right now?” he asks, almost pleading with us to understand.

The problem isn’t that we don’t understand, though. I think we all get just how crazy this sounds.

Nobody answers him, and I watch as he visibly deflates, his shoulders sagging as he lets his arms drop back down to his sides with a shake of his head. Sol has always been gentler than the rest of us, more fun-loving, happy, and playful, but these last few weeks have been weighing on all of us. Serena’s disappearance was a push none of us were ready for.