Page 44 of Shaped By Discovery

I won’t fight him for her, but I won’t just roll over and let him have her, either. I don’t think that was ever an option, even if I didn’t want to admit it.

“What the fuck are we doing here, pigeon?”

Lyle growls at Garrett, and I shake my head at his lame-ass attempt to insult him. There’s a reason he doesn’t do nicknames. He sucks at them.

“A moon gate?” Sol asks from behind me, but I keep my attention on Garrett as he rummages around the stonework that I now see forms a circle. I wonder who came all this way just to make this. How long has it been here?

At Sol’s question, Garrett pauses, looking up at him with a smile. “Yeah, have you heard of them?”

“I’ve read about them a bit but never seen one,” Sol admits, walking past me to get a better look at the rocks, and I roll my eyes. Of course, he’s read about them. I’d be surprised if you could find something he hasn’t read about. After that day on the field with Rena and seeing her stand up for him, Sol all but changed overnight. He worked out, went running, ate more, and by the time we hit high school, you never would have guessed he used to be hardly more than skin and bones.

He said he wanted to be in better shape for sports and healthier overall, but I knew it was for Rena. He didn’t want to be the one who needed defending, didn’t want her to think him weak even though he knows damn well she never would. But even with all the changes he made, he was still just my nerdy brother, just with a body that could beat your ass now.

“So what does a moon gate have to do with anything?” I demand. If they want to nerd out about some rocks in the forest, that’s cool, but they can do that on their own time; right now, we need to find Rena.

“Oh right, I keep forgetting you guys don’t know about this stuff.”

Garrett runs a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face. His lips pull down into a slight frown.“So the moon gates work as a portal of sorts, I guess,” he says before he shakes his head. “Either way, it’s how we travel between realms, and considering this is the closest one I know of, I’d like to say this is probably the one she used to leave.”

We’re all quiet for a moment, waiting for him to continue, but that seems to be all he has to say.

“So, let me see if I got this right,” Pike says, taking a step forward. I watch as Blair backs away from the group and walks around the clearing. If there’s anything here worth finding, I have no doubt he’ll find it. Nothing gets past Blair, trust me.

“Rena went somewhere, and you say you felt it. You show up at our house saying she’s gone, and she is missing. And you seem to think she followed will-o-wisps to a random clearing with a moon gate and went to another realm?”

I can hear the skepticism in his words, but I can’t argue with it. Hearing him say it aloud makes it sound even crazier, and considering how out there it already sounded, that’s not good.

“Right.” Garrett nods, turning back to the stones as if they matter. “We just need to either find a will-o—”

I’m on him before I can think better about it as my rage boils over. We don’t have time for this right now, and I won’t be the butt of his joke while Rena might be in danger somewhere.

My fingers close around the back of his neck, and I slam his face into the stone wall, cutting him off.

“Listen to me and listen good,” I growl, flexing my fingers until my nails bite into the soft skin of his neck. To his credit, he doesn’t so much as flinch, though.

“I don’t know what the fuck you think this is, but it’s not a game. I know you don’t like us, and we aren’t too fucking fond of you, but Rena is missing, and I swear to the gods, I’ll kill you right here if you try to stop us from finding her.”

He remains still in my hold for a moment before he gives the slightest nod. Honestly, with the way I’m holding him, it’s probably the most movement he can accomplish right now.

I hold him for another second before I pull my hand back, even as my beast rages against the idea of letting him go free. I’ve never felt the urge to kill someone the way I do right now. It’s as if I crave it, but it’s not just my beast. No, something inside me just wants him gone, and I don’t like how it feels. I push the urge down, burying it deep to handle later, or never if I can ignore it.

Garrett turns to face me, and just as quickly as I buried the murderous feeling, it’s there again when I see the smirk on his stupid, smug face.

This time, when I lunge, a hand wraps around my biceps and stops me short. I’m ready to fight whoever it is until I turn and find Blair holding me back. I’d fight most of my brothers, at least as far as a spar goes, and probably win, but Blair isn’t so easy.

The huge fuck is just as slippery as his beast is, but it’s the look on his face that snaps me out of it.

“I don’t think he’s lying,” Blair says, and my eyebrows damn near climb to my forehead in disbelief at what he just said.

Great, the most level-headed of us has lost it. We’re all fucked now.

“I’m serious,” he grumbles, clearly able to see the disbelief on my face.

“I’m not lying,” Garrett says as if that will somehow make me believe him more.

“Fine, if you’re not lying, then show us. Take us to this other realm to find Rena because, honestly, I don’t care what you say or where we go right now, so long as she’s there,” Lyle hisses.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Open the fancy portal thing, and let’s get going,” Lyle demands, waving a hand at the moon gate when Garrett remains still.