Page 36 of Shaped By Discovery

This would be so much easier if Serena would just agree to sign as a pack. But she refused the last time we brought it up, insisting that we shouldn’t have to be tied together forever.

She’s still stuck on the silly idea that we would regret it someday. If it were anyone but Serena, I’d be insulted, believing they were lying and didn’t want to be tied to us. I know it’s true with Serena, though. She honestly believes we would regret it.

It’s so ridiculous it’s almost laughable, or it would be if it weren’t so fucking heartbreaking. She can’t see that she’s amazing, can’t understand that we would all gladly tie ourselves to her forever if given the chance, and not just because she’s our friend. No, Serena is special, always has been. She’s so much a part of us that I can’t even remember how we got along before her.

I don’t want to.

No, we would definitely be getting the better end of the deal. There’s no arguing that; too bad the same can’t be said for arguing with Serena… That’s an impossible task.

Again, I lose my spot, so caught up in thoughts of Serena. If I’m going to sit here and fucking think about her regardless of what I do, I might as well calm down some.

Closing my eyes, I pull on my beast’s senses. Like the rest of the guys, most of my senses are already naturally better, but it doesn’t hurt to call for help when we need a little extra. All too eager, my beast leaps to the surface.

Yeah, I fucking bet.

It’s always so helpful when it comes to her. Go figure.

Most people don’t understand what Serena does for us. How could they, when she’s been a part of our lives for so long?

But I know.

I remember what I was like as a kid. As much as she feels like a part of us now, I remember what trouble we got into before her. I especially was a little nightmare. I’d often lose my temper, picking fights with kids twice my size over just about anything I could. I always won, but it was still a problem.

My parents said it was because my beast was so strong, but it didn’t feel like that. I didn’t know how to explain it, so I let them believe whatever they wanted to and excuse my problems in any way that made them feel better.

The truth was, I felt lost. I was missing something, but nothing made it better, so I was always angry.

Until Serena.

The guys always joke that I outgrew my temper, but that’s not what happened. She calms it. It’s ironic, considering how much shit she gives me for being what she likes to call the ‘dad’ of the group when she caused it. Not that she knows that, though. The only one who does is Blair, and that’s simply because he’s too observant for his own damn good.

Taking a deep breath, I pull in the scents around me, slowly sifting for the one I need right now. It’s difficult with so many powerful beasts in one house. Sometimes, the smells mix together and muddy each other, but finding Serena’s is almost as easy as breathing with my beast.

It’s as if he is as drawn to her as I am.

Ten seconds is all it takes for me to realize something is wrong. No matter how hard I focus, I can’t seem to find her. Her scent lingers around, but none of it is the strong scent of someone who’s here. It’s all stale, as if she was here but left.

I’m out of my chair in the next second, standing so fast that I knock the chair backward. The sound of it bouncing off the wood floor cracks through the room like thunder, destroying the silence I’ve been subjecting myself to all night, but I couldn’t care less right now.

“Where is she?” I demand as I yank my door open. My voice bounces off the high, open ceiling above the stairs as I make my way into the hall, only to stop short.

In my attempt to find Serena’s scent, I’d missed the fact that everyone was so close by and that we had a visitor.

My lips pull back over my teeth, and a snarl rips its way out of me before I can stop it as my eyes land on Garrett. He stands down the hall, along with every one of my brothers.

“We don’t know.” Blair’s deep, calm voice pulls my attention to him where he stands at the end of the hall. The door to the library is open, and I can see the flicker of a fire. She couldn’t have been gone for too long, at least if it’s still burning.

“This is your fault,” I shout, rushing down the hall and slamming into Garrett. I push him until his back hits the far wall, gripping his shirt and getting up in his face.

“Where. Is. She?” I ask again, this time only for him.

I’m not sure how or why, but I know this has something to do with him. Everything that’s been going on lately seems to. Everything was perfect until he started hanging around.

“I don’t know,” Garrett says, hanging his head. “I was asleep, and I felt it. I knew she was gone, but I had to come and check to see for myself.”

He’s not making any sense, and I fight the urge to shake him like a rag doll and demand he tell me everything he knows.

“I’d hoped I was wrong,” he whispers, his voice so low I hardly make out what he’s saying.