Page 27 of Shaped By Discovery

Meanwhile, a few hours earlier…

Keeping everything together is quickly becoming a full-time job. There’s only so much I can explain without showing them before they think I’ve lost my mind. At this point, I’m pretty sure they think I’m crazy, and I’ve barely even scratched the surface.


Today was a lot, though. I barely got there in time. I’d been able to stop Pike before he got to Rena. But even though I was the only thing that stood between them, Lyle wouldn’t let me get a fucking word in. Insisting they had it under control.

What a fucking joke.

They don’t even understand what’s going on. Pike hadn’t been trying to hurt her. His beast was just drawn to its mate. I knew what that looked like–I’ve seen it a dozen times–and I knew what it felt like. I’ve been there, but shifters don’t have fated mates in this realm. So, how could they ever understand?

I don’t even fully understand it. Hell, I’d never heard of someone with more than two mates, and I’d bet my magic that Pike isn’t the only one feeling it. Storm started a mating bond with her in the library just the other day, which shouldn’t have been possible.

I slam my laptop closed and rub my eyes. They feel like someone put sand in them, but that’s probably from lack of sleep. The last few nights, I’ve spent most of my time tracking reports around us, looking for abnormalities or spikes in crime and other odd things. So far, I’ve found nothing out of the ordinary, but that doesn’t make me feel much better. If he did come for her again, I doubt he would want to tip her off. After all, I’m sure he has no idea that she remembers nothing.

Maybe that’s how she was able to stay hidden for so long, or maybe it was just dumb luck. Either way, I’m grateful. I can’t imagine what would have happened if he found her while she didn’t have the ability to protect herself.

Pushing back from the table, I head toward the stairs to go up to my room, only to stop short at the last second. My room will still smell like her. It did when I was in there earlier to change. It had been the sweetest torture, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to get any sleep with the memories of her assaulting me. I’ve searched for her for so long, but I’d never imagined she’d be without her magic and her memories. Mother warned me her magic would be lesser here. Everyone’s is. This realm isn’t as connected to magic as ours. They have things like cell phones and cars. Their advances moved away from the magic that we leaned toward. But to be less and be all but absent are not the same.

Learning to live without relying so much on my magic has been challenging. But the technology wasn’t so bad after a while, even if it was shocking at first. Leaving it behind won't be easy, though; I wonder if my phone would survive the trip back.

I don’t need all the tech, but my phone would be nice. It's worth a shot, at the very least. I change course, making my way into the living room, before flopping down on the couch face-first into the decorative pillow.

A world without Serena isn’t something I’d ever considered, and when she disappeared, I knew I had to go after her. It didn’t matter how long it took; I would find her. No matter where she was. But seeing her look up at me, more beautiful than ever, and not knowing who I was stung, almost as bad as losing her all those years ago had.

I need a way to make her remember. I’m sure my mother will know how to help, but that means I have to get her back home.


The thick feathers of the pillow muffle my scream, but it feels so good that I do it again.

How the hell am I supposed to get her home when her little group of protectors won’t even let me near her? If I could get her to remember here, it would be easier, but I have no idea where to begin, no idea what caused her to forget in the first place. Was it from the trauma of what happened? Or was it her magic that brought her here? Hell, for all I know, she could have gotten hurt and forgotten after she was already here.

For now, I just need to sleep. I can worry about the rest later. She’s safe, and that’s what matters. As long as she’s safe, I can work on what to do next, no matter how long it takes. Thirteen mortal years might seem like a long time to look for someone, but I’ve got hundreds if that’s what it takes.

If they think I’ll give up and get lost, they’ve got another thing coming.

Rena’s powers are like nothing I’ve seen or heard of before. They amaze me. She amazes me. We go down to swim at the lake and work on her ability to shift, away from the prying eyes of the village. They don’t understand or like her, but they don’t even know her. Nobody ever gave her a chance, but they know better than to look at her with anything but respect while I’m around. It doesn’t stop them from talking, though. Calling her names and blaming her for the trouble we get into.

I try not to let it bother me too much. Someday, they will see how amazing she is, the same way I do.

“What are you looking at?”

Serena’s face pops into view, blocking out the blue sky I’d been staring into blankly as my mind wandered. Her hair falls around her face, acting as a curtain around us. The smile on her face is so big and genuinely happy that I can’t help but smile back at her.

“I was looking at the sky,” I tell her, reaching up to wrap a strand of her long blue hair around my finger. “Now I’m looking at the future queen,” I tease, tugging at her hair and watching in satisfaction as her cheeks turn cherry red.

“Gods, you’re so stupid,” she says, slapping my hand away so she can pull back, but I can hear her smile. She thinks I’m joking, but I’m not. I’ve never been so serious about, well, anything. I’m not known for being serious, though, so I can’t blame her for thinking I’m joking.

We spend all day by the lake. I had the chef make us lunch before we left, and we eat down here in our own little world.

It’s perfect.

Until it isn’t.

We swim for a little while, enjoying the sun and the cool water, just the two of us. I use my air magic to put us in a massive bubble and dive deeper into the shallow end of the lake to get a better look. Serena loves nature, the fish, the birds, bunnies, and flowers. It doesn’t matter what it is; she loves it. We spend a lot of time in the forests and here, away from people. Nature is kinder than the people of the kingdom most days, at least to her.

But nature can be dangerous, even for us.