Page 17 of Shaped By Discovery

“We don’t need any of them! We never have, so long as we have each other, I don’t give a single fuck what anyone else does or says.” Her words are so full of emotion that I know she’s telling the truth. They match how I feel, and how I know my brothers feel as well, but hearing her say it makes my chest feel tight. Watching her beg for mercy for a man who doesn’t deserve it pisses my beast off, but I know why she’s doing it, and I can’t fault her for it no matter how much I want to watch Blair end him.

“Please, let’s just go home…”

I know he’s going to cave. He always does with her. Most of them do. I’m the only one who stands a chance when she pouts and begs, and even then, I can’t always resist.

Or he would have caved if Rebecca hadn’t chosen that moment to shift and attack him.

The sound of her teeth sinking into his scaly flesh can’t be mistaken for anything else. We’ve been on enough hunts over the years, and Blair has no issues throwing himself between us and any kind of threat. I’m not sure if he has thick skin or doesn’t feel pain, not that it matters either way. He doesn’t so much as flinch from her attack, as if she isn’t even there, but the same can’t be said for Serena.

She pulls back slowly. Her stiff posture is a dead giveaway for how she feels about Rebecca attacking Blair, but even with the warning, none of us are fast enough.

If I thought Pike was quick when he went for Victor earlier, Serena might as well have teleported from one side of the table to the other before slamming into Rebecca.

“Oh shit,” Sol sputters as we all move at once, scrambling to get to her.

Serena might be tougher now than when we were younger, but going after an Alpha’s wife without the help of an element or even shifting is reckless. She most likely could take her if the fight were one-on-one. But that’s not how the pack works. Pike’s siblings might let their alpha fight to the death to see if he falls, but that’s to be expected. That’s how alphas are challenged. No matter how much they might not be fond of her actions, their mother is still their mother, and they will be moved to defend her.

Victor hits the floor with a thud, but I don’t even bother looking his way as Rebecca and Serena roll away from him. Whether he lives or dies is no longer my concern.

Just like I expected, Pike’s siblings shift, delaying us from getting to her.

Why the fuck do they have so many kids?

“Little Rabbit!”

Blair’s shout booms around the room the second he shifts back, and her attention snaps to him as he tosses one of the wolves away as if it weighs nothing. Jace hits the far wall with a yelp before falling to the ground, where he doesn’t move. Blair doesn’t give him a second look.

Rebecca doesn’t hesitate, though. With Serena’s attention no longer on her, she moves to strike, and not a single one of us is close enough to get to her in time.

“Rena!” Storm wails, and I feel his desperation. I know his fear because I feel it, too.

Pike and Sol have already shifted, both facing off against his younger siblings, but they won’t make it either. The room is too narrow and crowded, even if we can handle them quickly.

My beast rages as we watch almost in slow motion as Rebecca opens her muzzle, moving in, to no doubt snap at Serena.

All it would take is Rebecca getting her teeth around Serena’s throat, and she’d be done for.

I call to my magic. It’s not as strong in the house, but maybe if I bring the roof down on us, it will separate them.

As if reading my thoughts, Blair launches a fireball. It hits Rebecca, and she lets out a whimper, but it’s not enough to deter her.

I continue toward Serena, even knowing I won’t make it. I can’t stop myself from trying, unable to give up. But when Serena’s eyes meet mine, what I see stops me in my tracks.


Her eyes are pitch black, and a wicked smile twists her features into a dark expression. I’ve never seen her like this before.

Without breaking eye contact, she reaches out and catches Rebecca’s mouth before she has a chance to bite her. With one hand on her snout and the other on her lower jaw, she holds her mouth open just inches from her face.

What the hell…

Serena is strong, but she’s holding Rebecca back as if she’s no more than an unruly pup.

I watch as the shadows bleed from her fingers, slowly wrapping around Rebecca’s upper and lower jaw like snakes. Blair finally reaches her just as the crack of bone echoes around the room, and even without Rebecca’s whimper of pain, I know Serena broke her jaw.

Without missing a beat, Blair kicks Rebecca away. His arms wrap around Serena’s small form, and he hoists her off the floor and into his arms before running from the room.

All I want to do is follow her, but I have to trust Blair to help her. If any of us can, I’m sure it’s him. He’s always been best at calming her, and he’s dealt with her shadows a few times now.