Page 111 of Shaped By Discovery

“You could just let me up then,” she snaps, crossing her arms over her chest and blocking her beautiful breasts from view.

“And why in the world would I do that?” I ask with a chuckle that only seems to confuse her.

She doesn’t answer, instead looking away, anywhere but my face. Even still, I can see the concern in her eyes.

“Serena,” I press, and her eyes snap to meet mine. I very rarely use her name. I know she prefers the nicknames we gave her as children, even when she used to pretend that she didn’t. As such, I’ve only ever used her name when necessary, and right now, it’s necessary.

“I thought I hurt you…” she trails off, licking her lips, looking for the words she wants. “It sounded like you were in pain.”

I can’t help it; the idea is so ridiculous that I throw my head back and laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she demands.

“Nothing,” I tell her, shaking my head and getting myself under control. She isn’t buying it, though, and I know I have to explain. It’s not often that I laugh like that, and she knows me well enough to know that.

“You didn’t hurt me. In fact, it was the exact opposite.”

It takes her a second, but I see the moment she gets it.

“Oh. Well, I somehow flipped us when I shouldn’t have been able to, so I was worried maybe I did something else,” she explains in a rush.

“You flipped me with magic. Air magic, to be exact, and while I have no idea how you did that, I promise you didn’t hurt me then, and you’re not hurting me now, but if you don’t quit moving, my idea for a bath is going to go out the window.”

A smile splits her lips, and she throws her head back and laughs, and of fucking course, it causes her to once again squeeze around me.

“What are you made of, Blair?” she asks, looking at me as if she’s just now seeing me. I don’t know what to say, but thankfully, she doesn’t seem to need an answer. “I’m literally dripping your cum all over, and my legs are still shaking from my orgasm…” she trails off as if that’s a good reason not to fuck her again.

“You’re not helping the way I think you intended, Little Rabbit. The way I see it, if you’re already covered in my cum, why not add a little more?” Her eyes go wide, and I think for a second. “Though I can’t promise I won’t want to fill you with it again once we’re clean.”

Her mouth falls open, and I worry I’ve said something wrong before a smile pulls to her lips again.

Serena lays forward, crossing her arms on my chest and resting her chin on them as she drops feather-light kisses to my chin, neck, and chest with no real rhyme or reason. A shiver runs through me, and I feel her huff of laughter roll over my skin.

“No wonder you never brought anyone home. You probably never leave the bedroom, huh?” she asks, her voice low, hardly more than a whisper, but I still hear the uncertainty in her words. It’s like a bucket of cold water.

I hook a finger under her chin, lifting her head so she has no choice but to meet my gaze.

“I never brought anyone home because there never was anyone, Serena,” I tell her.

Her brows raise, and I watch as she searches my eyes, looking for a lie she won’t find. I’ve never lied to her, and she knows that, but I can understand why she might find it hard to believe. It’s no secret I don’t like people outside of the guys and Serena, but that doesn’t mean people take the hint. Girls throw themselves at me all the time. Pike always says it’s because I’m the strong, silent type and girls like that, but I don’t care what the reason is. It’s pathetic how hard some of them tried, no matter how often I told them I wasn’t interested.

“Wh...what?” she stammers, blinking as if she can’t understand what I said.

“There’s only ever been you, Serena, and there will only ever be you. Before you, I had the guys, and that was good enough. I didn’t need or want anyone who might come between us, but you were different. From the moment I met you, I knew you were it, not only for me but for all of us. I would have waited my whole life to be with you if I had to, even knowing it might never happen because nobody else would ever be enough, and I wasn’t looking for someone to fill a space or stand in.”

She opens and closes her mouth a few times, and I’m not one to get embarrassed, but I can feel the warmth in my chest growing hotter as the moments tick by with her response.

“You’ve never, um, kissed anyone? Like ever?” she says hesitantly, and I get the feeling that’s not what she’s actually asking.

“I’ve never done anything with anyone that isn’t you,” I admit, my chest warming to the point that it’s almost hard to breathe, even for me.

I watch in horror, my chest momentarily forgotten, as Serena’s eyes well with tears. Before I can ask what’s wrong, she flings herself at me, her arms wrapping around my shoulders the best she can, squeezing me with all she’s got. On instinct, my arms wrap around her, rubbing down her back to soothe her. Years of comforting her make it like muscle memory.

“I love you,” she whispers with her lips pressed to my chest, making her almost inaudible. I feel them more than hear them as something in my chest snaps into place, stealing the air from my lungs.

Serena pulls back, breathing heavily and holding her chest, and I realize she must have felt it as well. Tears continue to stream down her face, and I worry it might have been more painful for her without her beast before she raises her head, and I find her beaming up at me.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, hoping she has some answers.