I stop rowing so abruptly my seat makes a loud clanging sound when it slams against the stopper. It makes everyone turn to me.
Slowly, I unstrap my feet and get up. The only reason I’m not rushing to throttle them is because I know it would get me suspended from the team. But in my mind, I do more than ram into them.
“What do you think you’re doing?” My voice comes out in a growl as I approach.
One of the jerks looks away, as if that automatically makes him innocent.
The other one has the nerve to open his mouth and spew out some shit. “What the hell is your problem, man?”
“My problem,” I say through gritted teeth, “is you two creeping on a girl who is working out and thinking that’s okay.”
“I—W-We’re not creepers!”
“Yeah, you are. And you’ll only stay alive if you beat it.”
One of them points an accusing finger at me. “Who do you think you are? You don’t own this place.”
Just before I say that neither do they, Tinker Bell’s voice sounds from behind me.
“He might as well. We’re the captains of the hockey teams, and you’re in our territory.” I feel her walk up beside me. “If we say you should leave, then you scram as fast as your creeping asses can.”
“You—” The guy’s face grows red at an alarming rate. “You bit?—”
Tinker Bell tenses.
Before he even finishes his sentence, I throw their bags at them. Hard. Enough that they stumble on their feet. “Out.”
“What’s happening here?” Coach Green strides into the gym. Going by the thunder on his face, he probably heard the shouting.
“These two are just leaving.” Tinker Bell pauses, then adds, “Right now.”
One of the creeps hugs his bag against himself but stands straight, as if he has justice on his side. “Aren’t these St. Cloud’s facilities? We’re St. Cloud students. You can’t just tell us to come and go as you please.”
I get in his grill. It makes him shrink even smaller than he already is. “Do you want me to report you for sexual harassment? Because I’m really thinking I should.”
That drains the blood from his face. His buddy, who talked back less, starts pulling at him until the little shit gets the hint. I follow them until I make sure they’re out of the facility. If I ever see them again, I may not want to hold back.
When I walk back into the room, Tinker Bell has her arms wrapped around her as if she needs a hug.
I stop. And remind myself it shouldn’t come from me.
Coach takes a look at me. “What the hell was that?”
“The two creeps were leering at Rodriguez,” I say, using her last name for the first time.
Coach scratches his head. “I’ll ask about getting signs on the doors saying access is restricted.”
“That might not be enough.” She’s trying to look tough, but she keeps worrying her lower lip.
“Well, try not to work out alone,” Coach says with a sigh. “And maybe wear baggier clothes.”
I freeze. I don’t even have to look at her to know how fast her blood pressure is rising.
She takes a deep breath. “That is not the issue here. The problem is?—”
“Are you okay? That’s what matters,” I ask at the exact same time. It makes her pause right before telling Coach Green to shove it.
The older man doesn’t notice anything amiss and speaks. “Cool yourself, Rodriguez. Coach Young and I will take steps so this doesn’t happen again. And Cassiano? Well done.”