Page 29 of Faceoff

“Oh?” I lean over the desk, as if that got me any closer to Brett. “So you mean only the male players are the gross ones? Or just me?”

Someone starts chuckling. The two girls from earlier are close enough that they’ve caught on to the whole conversation and can’t hide their amusement. I can’t blame them. Never have I seen someone put their foot in their mouth in real time like this.

“Whatever!” Brett grabs all his things in his arms and gets up with a huff. “Enjoy each other’s company, you little shits.”

I wave at him as he makes his way down to the front row. Where he sits firmly facing forward.

“Was that mean?” Tinker Bell mumbles.

“I forgive you. But next time you want dirt on me, just ask me.”

“Not to you.” She tosses a frown at me over her shoulder. “To him.”

“Hmm. Well, he was the one painting us with the stereotypical brush.”

“Everyone on campus seems to think so.”

I scratch the top of my head. It’s true. Brett’s just the most outspoken person I’ve encountered, willing to share his feelings about the hockey program to anyone who’ll listen.

With a big sweep of my arm, I dump everything into my open backpack. I hang it from my shoulder, and, using the desk as a pivot with my hand, I leap over the row of desks to land beside Tinker Bell.

I pull up the chair beside her and sit down. “That’s why we have to show them all that we’re more than just our looks.”

She presses her lips into a thin line. “Damn it, I hate that you’re right.”

“I, for one, am really looking forward to working with you on this project.” I take my sweet time taking my iPad and other things back out. “Especially knowing you owe me big time.”

“I am not going to do your part of the assignment, if that’s what you’re hinting at.”

“Oh, that’s not what I mean. At all.” My smile has the effect of increasing the intensity of her frown. “I wouldn’t want to deprive you of my company. Especially not when—unlike Brett there—you said I smell so good and feel so warm against you.”

She pinches my thigh with enough strength to make me yowl.

“I did not say any of those things!”

“Yeah, you did.” Even through the throbbing ache, I chuckle. “More than once.”

She wouldn’t let me go because I was warm, and she cuddled up against me all night like she’d never heard of a blanket. And then, in the morning, while her hand ran up and down my body, she mumbled against my neck how good I smelled. And some other interesting tidbits I choose to keep to myself because I don’t look forward to her stabbing me with her pen.

Tinker Bell lowers the intended weapon and drops it back onto her desk. “One more word, Cassiano…”

“And what?”

A strand of her long hair falls over her face as she tilts it to glare at me. “Honestly, I don’t know. But you won’t like it.”

I chuckle.

This is really bad news, because during the rest of the class, I can’t focus on what the lecturer drones on about. My attention keeps going to the girl beside me and how hard she’s trying to pretend I’m not here.



No one says college is easy, but they also don’t have to deal with a Max Cassiano. It’s not my fault he looks like a dream come true, especially up close. Who wouldn’t feel something while sitting right beside him during an entire class?

So, obviously, I’m itching to run as far as my legs can carry me the second the lecture is done. Not seeing him up close and personal for an entire week might just be the balm I need to heal after this weekend. This is the only class we share, so all I’ll have to do is avoid him during practice. Shouldn’t be that hard, with the alternating schedules the Strikes and Bolts have. And also with the open hostility between both teams.

But the lecturer ruins all my plans.