Page 103 of Faceoff

“Mandatory for everyone,” Coach Young confirms with a nod. “Moreover, we have agreed to use the facilities and equipment according to team needs. So, for example, that means that if the Strikes have an away game that is farther than the Bolts’ game, we’ll get the bigger bus. And the other way around.”

“Yes.” Luz lets go of me to pump her fist under the table. I have to bite back my smile.

“These are all great things. But, uh, Rodriguez and I had a talk earlier, and there’s something we want to know.”

“What’s that?” Coach Young glances from Luz to me. Her eyebrows arch, as if she still can’t quite believe that the leaders of two formerly warring factions are dating.

I glance at the Strikes captain, wondering if she wants to say the next part. But she nods at me. Below the table, she squeezes my hand.

I focus back on the coaches. “We’ll be honest. We both feel pretty guilty about how everything went down. I wasn’t as clear with my team as I should’ve been about what was out of line. Luz maybe wasn’t as… cool-headed as she could’ve been.”

“Not maybe.” Her brow scrunches up. “I definitely wasn’t.”

She shouldn’t pout like that in public. Makes me want to kiss her.

“Anyway.” I fix my stare forward. “So we would like to know, point blank, what the consequences are for us.”

There. Now they can rip off the Band-Aid. I take a deep breath and brace myself.

“Well. I personally like this united front and the accountability behind it,” Coach Young starts, pronouncing the words slowly, as if she needs more time to think about the topic. “But since this was purely an accident with no premeditated ill will, there are no sanctions other than Boucher’s suspension.”

Coach Green drums his fingers on the table, as if needing an outlet. “Things will be changing around here, though. That much is obvious. And as the leaders of both teams, you two will have to set the example.”

“We’ll do better,” I say, feeling the weight of those words settle on my shoulders.

“Absolutely.” The second Luz confirms this, I feel lighter already.

We smile at each other. Maybe she feels it too, the relief at having each other. Like lightning striking twice in the same spot. Because it’s one thing to go to the same college, but it’s another one to meet each other and fall in love. We might be on different teams, but the two of us are forming our own team now.

“Great.” The Bolts’ Coach nods. “Elaine and I are going to work together more closely too.”

“That’s right. We’ll come up with a plan going forward, but for now, those are all the updates,” Coach Young says, making it very clear that we’re dismissed.

“Get some rest before this weekend’s games.” Coach Green waves us toward the door.

“Thanks.” I stand up.

It takes Luz a good moment to follow suit. She offers a tight-lipped smile. “We appreciate your time.”

I keep mum as I open the door for us, and even as we walk together across the office area and out. My eyes keep shifting to her every few seconds.

The coast is clear once we’re in the hallway, so I pull her into the equipment room where we occasionally hide in for a quick make-out session. And I lock the door just in case. The last thing we need is to stir up more drama when the dust is finally settling.

“Okay. You’re freaking me out. What’s happening, Tinker Bell?”

Her whole face scrunches up and she hunches over. “Ugh, my back’s killing me today.”

I freeze. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? How about a massage? Should I call the PT? Is it severe? Can I?—”

“Sheesh. Calm your tits, okay?” She lifts a hand, but a bit more life is coming to her expression now. I take it as a sign that it’s not bad enough that she needs to go to the hospital. Which I may yet suggest.

“My tits are calm.” I clench my pecs like that’s enough confirmation.

“Stop. I don’t want to laugh. It’ll hurt more.”

I rush over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders delicately. “Seriously, I’m worried. Is this my fault?”

“How, exactly?” She’s looking at me like I’ve lost the plot.