Page 87 of Forbidden

“Y-yes.” I stumbled over my words as fear filled my veins.

It was unnecessary. She wouldn’t hurt me. She didn’t have it in her. To be rude and demanding, yes, but physically violent, no. Especially with Vander nearby.

But as she closed the distance between us, her heels clicking on the floor, I wondered if that was true. I’d never imagined Mitchell would harm me, either. People were good at hiding their twisted insides.

“Well, aren’t you just getting everything you want?” Her smile was brittle, the edges seeming to crack through her make-up. “Enjoy it while it lasts.”

An unsteady breath pushed from my lungs as she moved past, leaving a trail of perfume. It seeped into my senses, infecting me like her words had.



Icouldn’t breathe. My legs tingled like they were going numb. My hands shook so violently I had to set the plastic strip on the counter so I could read it.

But there it was, a second dark line. A positive.

I’m pregnant.

All the air rushed back into my lungs, making me dizzy. The tingles raced across the rest of my skin. I grabbed the test, running from the room.

I had to tell Vander. Sharing it with him would make it real. He was always so happy for me. And he wanted this as badly as I did.

Would he cry? Would he scream in excitement? Kiss me? Fuck me?

My lips twitched as I rushed down the stairs, and I was even happier knowing that we would move next week. Our baby would never know this house.

I’d felt under the weather for a few days, but I didn’t dare hope. I couldn’t risk letting hope in, only to have it crushed. But when I threw up this morning, I knew. I felt it in my bones. Felt it in a way that only someone who’d been pregnant before could.

Still, my heart was beating out of my chest while I waited. My hands had shaken so much while peeing I was worried I wouldn’t get an accurate result. But I had, and it was positive. I was finally complete.

My bare feet slapped the tile floors as euphoria flooded through my veins. I shoved open the door to Vander’s office with a giant smile on my face.

“I have something to tell you.” My excitement fell as I saw Joyce standing in the middle of the room.

The test burned in my hand. I jabbed it in the pocket of my jeans so she wouldn’t see. I wasn’t ready to share it with anyone else. It was too early.

That was my excuse. Not because I was afraid she’d ruin my bubble of happiness.

But her sharp gaze was already tainting the moment.

“Grace?” My head snapped to Vander as he said my name. His brow furrowed, like it wasn’t the first time.

“Sorry.” I cleared my throat. “I just wanted to tell you I’m going to visit Isla and the baby.”

As I looked at his evergreen eyes, I assured myself this was better. I could plan something. I could buy a mug that said ‘daddy’ or a T-shirt. Maybe I can have one made with ‘gangster dad’ on it.

“I thought you might want to come.”

His features softened. “I’ve got work, but I’ll see you tonight.”

“Okay.” I nodded, already thinking about stopping at a baby store. I could just buy a onesie and wrap it; that could be how I told him.

“I’ll go.” My stomach soured as Joyce crossed the room to me.

“Great.” Vander hid his chuckle at the unenthused tone of my voice.

“Have fun, Sunflower.”