“Uh oh,” Isla gasped, pausing in the hall. Her fingers gripped my arm tighter as she looked up at me with wide, terrified eyes.
“What’s—.” I didn’t get to finish the sentence because liquid trickled down her thighs, covering the hardwood floors. “Oh, my god. Your water just broke.”
Her gaze widened further as her hand bruised my skin. I heard the panic in her voice. Saw it in her eyes. “It’s too soon.”
“Nathan!” I said over my shoulder as I moved to stand in front of Isla. “It’s not. You’re thirty-eight weeks. You’re going to have a beautiful, healthy baby.”
“Yes?” He spoke from behind me, either unaware or uncaring about what was happening.
“Get Angelo right now. Isla is in labor.” I kept my eyes on her. Holding both her hands as she shook.
“Hmm…” He sighed. “Cole won the bet this time.”
“What? What did he say?” She asked as Nathan disappeared through the living room and presumably to the patio.
“I have no idea. Just focus on me.” I gave her fingers a little squeeze. “Any contractions?”
“Not yet.”
“Good. Where’s your bag? When Angelo comes, he can take over for me, and I’ll get it.”
“It’s—ahhh!” Her words cut off as she screamed. Her teeth clenched together, and her nails dug into my skin as she had her first contraction. Angelo rounded the corner just then, looking almost as scared as his wife.
“Isla.” He said her name like a prayer. Like he was relieved to find her safe, as if she were being kidnapped instead of giving birth. “What’s happening? Nathan told—.”
“Her water broke, and she just got past her first contractions.” I smiled as I moved out of the way so he could grab her. He grasped her hips, scanning her body for injuries. “And she’s doing great.”
“Angelo.” She reached up to grasp his cheeks, pressing their foreheads together. He didn’t flinch as she touched his scars. “I’m scared.”
“You’ve got this, Beauty.” They leaned into each other, using the other for support. Emotion tightened my chest as I watched them. “You’re amazing.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist, leading her towards the door. He kissed her temple, and my heart ached again as she dropped her head on his shoulder.
“I’ll get your stuff and meet you at the hospital.” They didn’t answer, but I knew they heard me. They had a lot to worry about right now.
“I guess the party is over,” Cole said as everyone else appeared in the hall.
“We’ll stay and clean.” Alessandra smiled as the front door closed. “Maybe we’ll set up some gifts, so everything is ready when they get home.”
“That’s a nice idea. I’m going to grab her bag and follow.” She hadn’t told me where it was, but I’d check her bedroom first. If she had forgotten to pack one, I’d do an internet search and get what it suggested.
Vander grabbed my hand as I walked by. His fingers were warm against my wrist, sending tingles across my skin. He pulled me closer. The heat of his body was comforting as he ran his palm up my arm until he was cupping my cheeks between his palms.
“You okay?” He whispered, but he didn’t need to; everyone had gone back outside to clean the mess.
His evergreen gaze was full of so many emotions. Understanding, worry. Love. Affection. Hope.
I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. His lips press into my forehead, and I sighed.
I was okay, great, because of him. Because I knew one day soon that would be us. We’d have a baby. We’d be happy. We had to be. I couldn’t suffer all this, find him, and not be happy.
I love you.
The words popped up inside me again, but I missed my chance. Vander leaned forward, capturing my mouth. His kiss was tender. It felt like home and comfort.
It felt right. Like all my pain and suffering had a purpose. It had led me here. To this man.