Page 20 of Forbidden

My stomach clenched. Even if it bound me to him, I wanted to be pregnant. I’d laid in bed for hours rubbing my stomach like that could make it happen. Picturing what I would look like with a big baby bump. How I would decorate their room.

Vander smiled at his cousins before turning to me. I gasped as he cupped my cheeks. His evergreen eyes stared into mine.

I couldn’t move. He captured me with the intensity of his gaze. My throat went dry as he leaned forward. His lips brushed mine as he whispered. “You’re going to be pregnant one way or another.”

His words were like an electric shock. I was stunned. I heard the threat but couldn’t believe it.

Vander used my temporary paralysis to his advantage. He walked me down the aisle with my hand in his. Before I knew it, Nathan was asking me to repeat after him.

My eyes flicked around to the four powerful criminals surrounding me. My odds of escape were zero, even if I did have the strength to run. But I didn’t, I was weak. I’d already proven that.

My gaze pleaded with Vander’s again. He looked at me with an expression I’d never seen from him before. His evergreen eyes were soft, swirling with emotions. I was too distraught to recognize any of them.

His lips moved with his vows, but I couldn’t hear them over the buzzing in my ears. His hands clasped mine, but I couldn’t feel the warmth of his skin through my chill.

I could only focus on one thing. One word.


Then it was my turn. I swallowed down my fear and disgust. I didn’t have a choice. I repeated the phrase.

“Till death do us part.”

* * *

“Congratulations.” I was stiff as Alessandra hugged me.

Everyone at my wedding reception was more excited than I was, and no one seemed to notice my apathy.

The entire Kent family and some friends were here. Including the two men I was supposed to marry. Both of them had congratulated me with no malice in their words.

My mind was constantly spinning. It was one confusing moment after another. I felt like I hadn’t been on solid ground since that dinner. I wondered if I would ever be again.

Or if I was destined to spend the rest of my life on my tiptoes, trying not to incur my new husband’s wrath. Trying not to die.

I should’ve kept my mouth shut about wanting a baby. I should’ve kept my desires locked up. Let them fester on the inside until they slowly killed me. It would be the better way to go.

“Vander looks so happy.” My smile was brittle as Alessandra spoke.

I’m sure he’s very happy. Happy I couldn’t spill their secrets. Couldn’t tell the world what they really were. Happy I was trapped.

I twisted the ring on my finger. It hadn’t been naked nearly long enough. I’d taken Mitchell’s ring off the day he’d died. I’d tossed it in a drawer and vowed to never have another.

Even the beautiful vintage setting couldn’t make me forget that promise. The emotional weight of the jewelry felt like it was pushing my hand down. It was an anchor towing me to these monsters.

Maybe I was ready to break because of this mask I was forced to wear. The good, happy wife. I felt like a vase tittering on the edge of a table. One wrong push, and I’d shattered. But there was nothing inside to spill on the floor. I’d never been more empty. Or numb.

My heart smacked into my ribs as arms circled my waist. I smelt sandalwood before Vander spoke. “I am.”

His lips brushed my cheek, and my entire body clenched. Waited for the pain. My jaw locked, and tears burned my eyes. But I shoved it all down. Forced a smile.

“And I’m going to be a lot happier because I’m here to collect my bride.” Alessandra awed, placing a hand on her chest. She didn’t hear the words as a claim like I did. A threat.

Everyone said their goodbyes, gathering their coats as we headed up the stairs. With each one, my heart rate ticked up. With each step, I felt like I was getting closer to the end. To the one terrible fate I’d avoided in my first marriage.
