Page 18 of Forbidden

“Motherfucker,” Cole grumbled as he placed a few bills in Angelo’s waiting palm. “Actually, sister-fucker… in-law.”

My head jerked back in surprise at the smiles on their faces. Their simple acceptance. “You knew?”

My chest felt tight. I thought I’d done a good job of hiding my feelings for Grace. But I’d slipped in the last year. Moving in here with her had tangled me up. But she’d needed someone to help. Especially in those earlier days, when her grief had consumed her. The knife in my chest twisted harder.

“A marriage does give stability,” Nathan spoke, unaware of the tension. “After Mitchell’s death, appearing united to the other syndicates would be prudent. With a clear line of inheritance and—.”

I didn’t give a fuck about inheritance or raising my child to be a criminal. Children should be more than their parents’ expectations. This is why I didn’t want to lead. The pressure was too great.

I’d give up the whole fucking thing if my childhood hadn’t created a monster that craved the kill. And the business supported all of us. Mitchell had loved the title. I’d protected him from the worst of our raising so he could be strong. We were so different.

Would Grace be able to love me like she loved him?


It didn’t really matter. I needed her. She’d learn to love me.

“Wait.” I cut off Nathan, who was still rambling. My jaw clenched as I stared at Cole and Angelo. “How long have you known?”

Angelo gave me a pointed look, like it was obvious. “Since the hospital.”

“You were more concerned with her than Mitchell’s death.” Cole smiled wider, leaning back in his chair.

“Too bad. She was real sweet.” My glare shot to Ethan, who stood.

“We would’ve had fun giving her a baby.” I lunged towards Andre, who only smiled as he shifted out of my grasp.

“They’re in on the joke.” Cole said. “We wouldn’t risk pissing someone off.”

Bastards! They’d planned this whole thing. Put Grace and me through hell.

“Fuck you guys.”

“We just wanted you to admit your feelings for her.” His gaze turned sympathetic now. I wanted to hate every single one of them, but it was difficult. They’d freed me from this seven-year prison I was living in. What if it had backfired?

“And what if I hadn’t?”

“Then she would’ve made a pretty wife.” Ethan slapped me on the shoulder, but I jerked away.

“Get out.” Their laughter carried down the hall. But I couldn’t enjoy it. Guilt latched its ugly claws into my chest. I hung my head, my fingers curled into the back of a chair.

I was pissed at Ethan and Andre for calling Grace attractive, but I spent years loving her. Years dreaming of her when she’d been married to my brother. If Cole and Angelo could see it so easily, had he?

“Fuck.” My head shot up. “Do you think Mitchell—.”

“No.” I exhaled a shaky breath at Angelo’s response.

“Not that he’d care.” Something dark shifted behind Cole’s eyes. “I never got the impression marriage was important to him.”

His voice dripped with disdain, but I wasn’t sure why. Mitchell’s leadership had some bumps. Especially surrounding Cole’s marriage and Angelo’s almost-arranged marriage to Zara.

Mitchell had been power-hungry and naïve. But it wasn’t his fault. Our uncle had taught him to be that way. I knew if he lived, he would’ve made it right.

None of this mattered now. What mattered was making sure I didn’t lose Grace like I lost him. I could keep her safe from the outside, but convincing her this wasn’t a mistake would be harder.

It had taken me six years and a whole one with Mitchell gone to decide I wanted her. She wouldn’t have the luxury of time. At least not until my ring was on her finger.

My palm ran over the tattoo on the back of my other hand. A sunflower. I’d etched it into my skin seven years ago. The image sealed my resolve. “Get a priest here now.”