Page 88 of Forbidden



My lungs filled with that sweet baby smell as I swayed back and forth with him in my arms. Isla smiled up at us as she relaxed on the couch. Angelo was beside her, rubbing her feet in his lap.

I’d never seen either of them look so happy. Content. It was like this little boy had completed them.

Are you going to complete us?

I asked in my mind, talking to the tiny life growing inside me. Was that weird?

I couldn’t talk to him or her out loud here. But I knew they were there. Knew I’d soon hold them just like this.

“They need to bottle this scent.” I gave his head another little sniff. He made a soft grumble in his sleep as he readjusted in my arms. “Or maybe not. One smell, and everyone will be trying to get pregnant. We don’t need the population boom.”

“Or maybe it would help.” Isla chuckled. “Like how you visit to get your baby fix, then leave when the work starts.”

Looking down at his dark hair and long lashes framing his cheeks, I mumbled, “I don’t mind the work.”

You’re going to be a lot of work.

My stomach gave a little flutter, and even though I knew it was too early, I pretended it was my baby.

I couldn’t wait for the work. I would relish each sleepless night. All the times I was nap trapped because I held them to sleep instead of putting them down. I’ll treasure every moment, knowing it might be my only chance.

If I ever got it. A positive test didn’t guarantee a baby. I knew that better than anyone.

Nevertheless, I couldn’t stop the hope from filling my chest. Maybe it was the baby in my arms.

I knew it was Vander. His love that made me believe everything would be okay.

“That’s enough.” Joyce stood, taking him from my arms and handing him back to his mom. I immediately felt the loss. Isla looked just as confused as me. Why did she come if she didn’t want to hold the baby?

I sat on the armchair beside them, so I could still stare at the little cutie. “How are you doing, mama?”

She smiled at the nickname. “Tired but happy.”

It had only been a few weeks since he’d been born. We’d all given them time to adjust as a family, but now I wouldn’t stop visiting. I couldn’t when he was so darn cute.

“I could come over and stay for a night or two, if you want. Let you have some rest.”

“No, thanks. I don’t need to get shit from your husband,” Angelo grumbled.

“What do you mean?”

“Please.” Isla held back a smirk. “I saw how you looked at each other at my baby shower. I think our little man will soon have cousins to play with.”

“Exactly.” Angelo nodded. “Not a good idea to keep a man’s wife from his bed.”

I rolled my eyes, but I glowed inside. Vander’s affection was so obvious to me now. I wondered if I’d just been blind before. If everyone had known how he felt about me.

“I think it’s a little early for that.” Joyce smiled, but her words pierced my bubble of happiness.

I guess she wouldn’t be planning my baby shower.

I shook it off. One person wouldn’t send me into a pool of melancholy. I spent years in an awful marriage. I deserved a good one. A good man.

“How is everything going?” Isla sat up straighter. “When Angelo told me what they did to get him to admit his feelings, I was pissed.”