Page 51 of Forbidden

But as the car moved, her head fell to my shoulder, and she relaxed against me. My worries evaporated.

It was hard to be anything, but grateful when she was snuggled against me. When I could feel her soft, warm body on mine. Smell her rose scent. Hear her twinkling laughter.

Even if I couldn’t touch her. Fuck her, having her close was enough.

She tilted her head to look up, and those royal blue eyes hit me. So tender and bright. Glazed from the alcohol.

“I drank a lot.” Her perfect pink lips parted a little, and those eyes widened in mock horror.

Her expression had a laugh escaping me. “Yeah, you did.”

She straightened in her seat, and I regretted the loss of her warmth. “Can I tell you a secret?”

A lock of red hair fell over her face, ruining my view. My fingers twitched to push it away, but she sounded so serious I held still. Waiting to hear what revelation she would rock me with today. “Always, Sunflower. I want all your secrets. I want to know every inch of you.”

Her teeth raked across her plump bottom lip. My gut tightened in response. “I don’t like white wine.”

My lips pulled into a grin. It was such a silly thing to be serious about.

“But you always drink…” They fell again. She drank it because he made her. My jaw clenched as I tried to shove down the anger that threatened to consume me. This time, the side of guilt was a little less.

Instead of letting myself drown in it, I forgot about myself. I focused on her. Her needs. Her healing.

My fingers grazed her cheek as I brushed that piece of hair behind her ear. Because I couldn’t not. I had to feel her, especially now.

Maybe it was the alcohol or the night out, but she leaned into my touch. I savored that tiny submission. “What’s your favorite drink, then?”

“Champagne.” She turned, wiggling against the seat like she was doing a little dance. The piece of hair fell in her eyes again. “It’s so bubbly.”

She kept going until she tumbled into my chest, a fit of giggles overtaking her. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, holding her close. As much to keep her steady as to feel her.

I loved seeing her so carefree. Without her past and present weighing her down. It was just Grace.

“Want to know another secret?” She gazed at me with those sweet eyes. They were different now, darker, and her voice dropped a little. My fingers stroked up and down her arm, feeling her smooth skin as I nodded.

“You’re hot. Like really hot.” She laughed again, pressing further into me. My dick jumped to attention like it saw an opportunity. “Girls were watching you at the club. It made me jealous.”

A low fire burned in my gut, ignited by her possessiveness. By the knowledge that she found me attractive. I skimmed my other hand down her face, brushing her hair aside as I ran my thumb over her pulse.

“You never have to be jealous, Sunflower.” I leaned forward until my lips met the shell of her ear. She shivered against me, and my cock hardened further. “I’m yours. I’ve always been yours.”

When I pulled back, our mouths were inches apart. I’d found myself in this position several times tonight. I’d felt the urge to close the distance. To take her lips.

But I’d resisted. I wasn’t sure I could anymore.

Not when she was so soft and loving. When she was looking at me with those round eyes full of wonder.

“Mine.” She made a sweet humming sound in her throat that felt like it rocked through my entire body.

I should pull back. End this before it turned into something she wasn’t ready for. Something she would regret tomorrow.

But I was a masochist. I wanted a little more. Fucking needed it.

A fantasy to hang onto until the next time her defenses were down.

“What’s hot about me, Sunflower?”

“Everything.” Her breathy sigh ghosted across my skin. I wasn’t a fucking virgin. I didn’t consider myself a desperate guy, but that breath was the hottest goddamn thing I’d felt in months. “You’ve got all these muscles, but I’m not scared of you. They’re everywhere. They make me tingle.”