Page 38 of Forbidden

“So yes, if I’d known what Mitchell put you through, we would’ve stopped it. Because someone like you.”

I watched the sun setting out the windows, staring at the oranges and reds that bathed the city, instead of Grace’s face. She didn’t need to see the violence in my eyes. Because I wouldn’t have just put a stop to it, I would’ve buried him.

“Someone good. Sweet. Kind. Should only be treated the same way. With kindness. Love.”

“Oh.” Her disappointment pulled my gaze to her again. “That’s great. That you would protect anyone in my position.”

It’s true I would have. But I wouldn’t have had quite the same level of rage. I couldn’t tell her that. I couldn’t tell her how deep my feelings were. She would run. They would scare her. They would swallow her up like they consumed me.

She consumed me. My thoughts. My life. My heart.



My shoes squeaked on the tile floor; I cursed the sound and the dinging of the elevator as I pushed the button. It was getting late, and I didn’t know whether Grace was asleep. Or maybe she was in the room next to my office relaxing.

One of the first things she’d done was take the space as her own. She’d decorated it. Filled it with craft stuff that I knew nothing about. But I enjoyed seeing her there when I walked down the hallway.

Curled up in a chair reading, her brows furrowed as she concentrated. Or with spools of yarn, twisting and turning it. I found myself lingering in the door, not enough for her to notice, hoping for a glimpse of her.

“Oh wait,” Grace called as I stepped inside the elevator. I slammed my hand against the metal, holding it open for her. I guess she wasn’t sleeping.

She had a green top that just hit the high waistband of her leggings. My gut tightened as I wondered if it would expose her stomach if she raised her arms. She hadn’t dressed this daring in years. It still covered every inch of skin, but it was tight, showing off all her delicious curves.

“Thanks.” She gave me a small smile before focusing on the metal doors as we descended. I snuck a peek at her round ass, stifling a groan.

Thank fucking god I was on my way to handle business because I needed the outlet. I needed the blood on my palms, or I’d fill them with her.

“Where are you headed, Sunflower?” I shoved my hands into my pocket to resist the urge to reach for her. Even just to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her to my side where she belonged.

I watched in the reflection as her blue eyes widened. She pulled at the bottom of her top as she spoke rapidly. “I called Mike. He’s downstairs. So I’m doing what you asked. I have my security.”

Her chest rose with heavy breaths. They filled the air around us, fogging the metal. It didn’t take a genius to realize she was scared. Waiting for me to yell at her. Hit her.

“Hey, hey.” Instinctively, I grasped her hand. She didn’t pull away but was stiff as I ran my thumb along her pulse. “You’re not in trouble. I was just curious.”

Our shoulders brushed, sending heat down my arm as she turned to look at me. Her gaze softened, erasing a smudge of the guilt I felt.

“Oh.” A relieved sound left her lips, but she didn’t let my hand go. And I fucking loved it. “I’m taking a class.”

“Fun.” I gave her an encouraging smile. “What kind?”

Probably something with crafts. She had a lot of them.

“Um…” Her teeth sank into those beautiful, plump pink lips. Her nerves coming back as her gaze bounced around the small car. She shifted, moving her hand and body away from my touch. “Poledancing.”

It came out as one jumbled word. I didn’t hear that correctly. This jealous rage slicking through my veins wasn’t necessary.

“Say that again.” I fought to keep my voice calm.

But Grace must have heard my disbelief and thought it was anger. Her spine snapped straight as she stared at me. Her chin had a defiant tilt as she looked up into my eyes.

“Pole dancing.” Yep, there it was; the words I wanted to believe I hadn’t heard. The jealousy ate away at my insides in an instant. “Alessandra recommended it. I’m taking a pole dancing class.”

It was the jealousy that controlled my response. “Fuck no, you’re not.”

“What?” Her skin turned pink as she shouted at me. “But you—.”