Page 28 of The Phoenix

She strutted like a peahen about his chamber. Normally he would have found her tail wiggling a come-on, but he was not in a mood for seduction. No. He was in the mood to be a surly, difficult asshole.

“Let’s celebrate.” Gahya unclipped her peplos, letting it swoosh to the floor.

The enchantress dropped to her hands and knees, crawling toward him, her breasts bouncing, her sex glistening with wet desire. “The OneCreator did mutter some utter nonsense about stipulations. Ifs. I didn’t understand a word he said. You know how he gets when he wants to sound all-knowing and all-seeing.”

Despite a raging headache, surly mood, and knowledge the Genitrix was fickle-hearted, his cock sprang into action. Damn. He was weak. Still, a thorough fucking was an excellent way to start the day.

With ease, he set aside the annoying conscience he wrestled with ever since the Genitrix had not only created but deserted the Aeternals. She was not alone. Gabriel had also dropped his Homo sapiens on Earth with equal disregard.

Gahya straddled his thighs, fisting his eager cock. She stroked from crown to hilt. He refused to allow a nascent conscience or budding stratagems to ruin everything. After a tussle with the goddess, his mind would be clear to review his plans.

Ohngel gripped her hips, lifting her onto his thick swollen shaft, ramming deep into her conniving pussy.

Jace closed the book. “That’s the end of this section.”

“I’m going to faint.” Fin waved her hand to fan her crimson cheeks. “He’s hot.” When everyone’s eyes pinged her way, she added, “So is my Thorn, of course.”

“Sure.” Jace blushed, recalling Tyr when he woke her this morning, his libido as out of control as Ohngel’s.

Thank goodness.


Roark recognized the glowering vampire who met him and his two passengers outside the entrance to the Firebrand stronghold. A while ago, the guy, along with a human soldier, was an Arisen Dawn prisoner. Both escaped the garrison when a goddamn dragon razed it. “Good to see you, Dax. Nice to see me again, huh? How’s Colonel Mateo Garcia?”

The bloodsucker stepped toe-to-toe, hauled back a fist, and slammed him to his ass. From an inauspicious position on the concrete steps outside the Covenkirk stronghold, Roark scrubbed a hand across his jaw. “You got the payback out of your system, asshole?”

“Yeah. I feel a lot better.” The vamp didn’t offer an assist. He crossed thick arms over his chest, daring Roark to challenge him.

Roark pushed off the ground and snagged the stolen gift from Miller’s grasp. He shoved Lort’s boy toy at the Firebrand. “Here. Hold him.”

“What am I supposed to do with the guy?” The surly black-haired Dax snarled. His backup was an ylve who aimed a crossbow bolt at Roark’s heart.

“Eat him for all I care. We stole him from Lort, Cerberus’s general. I was kinda hoping you guys would be pleased, heal him, and send him home. He’s had a shitty year of it with the fanged fiend.” Tapping behind his ear to warn the Brit of consequences, Roark twisted toward him. “Miller, introduce yourself. Share your creds.”

With caution, he extended a hand, introducing himself. “Braelyn or Rein will vouch for me if they’re around. I’m Blood Coven and the ex-Custodes Templii leader. With Roark’s help, I escaped from Cerberus’s garrison.” He shot a glare Roark’s way.

The vampire grasped Nash’s palm, the barely awake human slave draped over his free arm. “I’m Dax. The male about to skewer the asshole shifter with a bolt is Chay. Follow me.”

Dax punched open the door and strode down a long hallway, taking it for granted the recent arrivals were on his six. Four other Aeternals joined their group, following behind bow-and-arrow guy. They weren’t Firebrands. No tats. They were, however, armed and serious about their task.

The vampire stopped in front of an office where he motioned two of their entourage inside before Miller and Roark. At a desk was a female who glanced up from her computer screen. “Bro.”

“Sis. Is Kole in?”

“You’re related?” asked Roark. “I see the good looks in the family went to your sister.”

“Yeah,” said Dax. “I got the mean sonofabitch gene. It worked out well.”

The bombshell tilted her head toward an office, her blonde hair cascading over a shoulder to rest on her more than ample boobs. A looker. Not as enticing as the crazy witch by the river but stunning, nonetheless.

Fisting Roark’s upper arm, Dax tugged him through an open door. Inside was a big-ass demon, his attention focused on paperwork. When the group stomped into his office, he leaned into his chair, beefy arms folded over his chest, fire-gold eyes sparking flames. Behind him was a wall of weapons.

He glared at Roark and Miller. “What the hell brings you to my stronghold? And what’s with the knocked-out human?”

Roark pointed to a chair, getting a nod from the commander. He sat, motioning for Miller to take the other seat. “It’s a long story.”

“Shorten it,” said Kole. “I’m a busy male with a brief attention span for idiots.”