Page 32 of The Phoenix

Roark ambled up to her, clasping her soft hand, pleasure jolting through his body.

Dax gimlet-eyed him. “Hold it, Romeo. First things first. Tell her why we’re here.”

Drawing her fingers to his mouth, he kissed them. “Of course. I have need of your skills, Indy.”

She pulled out of Roark’s grasp, fluffing her skirt. “What makes you think I’d lend them to you?”


“Hmm. Which of my many skills do you need?”

“The finder of lost objects one.”

She put a fist on her hip, tilting her chin in contemplation. “My favorite. It always involves a mystery and travel. What am I looking for? Why am I looking for it?”

“Cerberus, my previous employer, wants me to snag Blood’s Kiss.”

“What’s that?”

“A sword.”

Indigo squinted. “You think I’m going to help you find it for the asshole warlock?”

“Of course not. Wasn’t I clear? I switched sides. The hunt will be for these guys.” He pointed at his escorts. Roark felt a probe try to burrow into his brain. The witch was powerful. She obviously wanted to ferret out his intentions, but he easily blocked her spell.

Her eyes widened, but she stopped the assault. “Why does Cerberus want this sword?”

“No idea, but if it’s important to him, it’s important to me.”

Indy tapped a bare foot on the floor. “You don’t know much.”

“So I’ve been told.”

“Where do we start?”

Again, a poke to his brain despite a stoic expression on her face. A more aggressive attempt.

“Dunno. Hence my need of your skills.” He grinned while he repelled her second spell.

Indigo’s lips pinched together. “What about the hit on me? Aren’t you supposed to bump me off?”

He shrugged. “I’ve decided I prefer your warm body to your cold one. The only weapon I’ll be using on you is tucked in my pants.”

She snorted while brushing off confused looks from Dax and Thorn. “Kole is okay with this, guys?”

“Seems to be,” said the vampire. “What’s this about a hit?”

“Nothing,” said Indy. “It seems I’m a thorn in Cerberus’s ass.”

Dax stroked his barely there goatee. “Cadmon gave him the go-ahead. Sent us with Roark and a message. You need to stick to him like superglue.”

Her lip curled. “I never work for a client I can’t trust.”

“Indy, have a little faith.” Roark tested his most innocent look with slow blinks.

“Name’s not Indy. Who’s paying? I charge by the hour. And I get expenses.”

Dax grinned, exposing the tips of his sharp fangs. “Bill him. How’s your finances, asshole?”