Page 31 of The Phoenix

“Any ideas as to what could be happening?”

Ursela pursed her thin lips as if debating whether to answer. “This is pure conjecture. I hate to mention it, but now is a time for even wild notions. It’s as if someone is conducting experiments.”

Alarik rested a hand on his chest to still his thundering heart. He suspected Cerberus. “What can I do to help?”

“I’d like more assistance. Add to my crew.”

“With so many Aeternals joining Arisen Dawn, I worry about bringing new mages into our fold. Hires must be carefully vetted.”

She nodded. Then her eyes brightened. “Rein can get into most minds.”

“An excellent idea. I shall call my son to examine those who make your final list.”

He rose from his desk, coming around to offer guidance to Ursela. With his palm on the small of her back, he escorted her to the door, closing it behind her. He returned his dark cloak to its hanger and reinstalled himself in his chair. He angled his gaze toward the ceiling. After thinking for a few moments, he picked up the phone to call Cadmon. Though he had nothing to report except oddities, he was a cautious warlock who, like Ursela, prepared for the worst.

The disappearance of the Whorl and the collapse of the portals would leave no barriers between humans and Aeternals. Arisen Dawn could sweep across Earth leaving blood, death, and enslavement in their wake.


Escorted by the still-surly, cold-eyed Dax and a growly wolf shifter dressed like an American cowboy, Roark journeyed to Indigo’s Covenkirk office to seek her help in finding Blood’s Kiss.

After Dax called ahead, apparently the witch agreed to a late-night meet. The trio passed through a portal which emptied into her building. Roark figured it paid to have family in high places, namely her brother Alarik who must have arranged for the convenient, secure gateway.

Indigo waited in the hall. “Wassup, Brands?” When she spotted Roark, her expression changed. What had been a smile and bright eyes became a frown and storm cloud of anger.

Before he could spit out a greeting, the witch hauled back an arm and punched it forward while mumbling a spell.


He was unprepared. The blow landed on his jaw, slamming his ass onto the floor. His legs flopped. He was a hooked fish on a line, his world blanking out for a moment. Hell. He hadn’t seen that coming. Most females fell all over themselves trying to get a piece of him. None had clocked him. But Indy wasn’t like the others.

The raven shifter wiggled his chin. No break. “You’ve got a wicked right.” He sat up, shaking off the fog. “What did I do to deserve the slug?” He didn’t bother to mention he was tired of a hook or a jab being a standard greeting. First Dax. Then Indy. Maybe he wasn’t as charming as he thought.

She blew on a fist, a gleeful sparkle returning to her stunning violet eyes.

“Are you planning to pop me again?” Roark asked.

“Oh, get your ass up. Don’t be such a baby. I hardly tapped you.”

“Indy, we parted as friends last time. Lip-locked if I’m not mistaken.” Roark scratched his ear, bounding from the floor.

Dax and Thorn just looked C-O-N-F-U-S-E-D.

“You know each other?” asked the vampire.

“We’ve met.” Indigo twisted to glance over her shoulder. “And we parted with him saying something about my mouth stuck around his limp dick.”

Roark spoke to her attractive derriere as she strode toward her office. “I believe I was just sharing my amorous intentions with you. And it’s never limp when you’re present.”

She snorted.

Thorn squinted at Dax. “Am I blushing?”

The vampire shook his head.

Roark paused, his attention on Indy. “Where are your shoes?”

She lifted her skirt to check her feet. When she flipped her braid over her shoulder, loose tendrils of hair flew around an exquisite-but-puzzled face. “I don’t remember where I left them. I had them when I arrived after the book club meet.”