Page 29 of The Phoenix

Roark shrugged, watching Dax prop up the wall, the human gift curled into a ball at his feet. Beside them stood Chay, the ylve warrior who wore a perpetual grin while he clasped the pistol grip of a modernized chu-ko-nu, a bolt ready to launch. They’d sent the non-Firebrand escorts on their way.

“I’m Roark, recently in the employ of Cerberus of Arisen Dawn. Not liking the company, I snatched Miller Nash to bring him to you. He’s a hot commodity Blood Coven descendant. Lort’s blud slave is a peace offering, too.” He pointed to the floor at Dax’s feet. “I’m switching sides, joining the good guys. I think you’ll find me a welcome addition.”

Kole pinpointed him with a glare, uncrossing his arms, sparks lighting up his fingertips. He faced the Brit. “Your turn.”

Miller touched behind his ear, probably reminding himself of the lethal implant and Roark’s ability to spread his brains all over the commander’s office. “It’s like he said. But to go farther into the past, I was in Vegas being hounded by Lort and his merry band of blokes when they captured me. I became a prisoner, treated to fun times while they tried to extract information about Custodes Templii. This asshole did get me out. That’s true.”

Kole nodded, refocusing on Roark. “You’ll be happy to share the location of the garrison if you’re defecting to the good guys.”

Roark studied his nails. “I’d be delighted to, but it’s masked by a powerful spell. Everyone accesses it through a portal on Darque but no way to know the locale.”

“Can you get us to it via a gateway?” asked Dax.

“I could try, but I’m guessing my access is already blocked.”

“Why the human?” asked Kole.

“My hostess gift. Lort’s blud slave. Has been for some time. I figure you can cure him and send him home. He needs a transfusion along with a healer since he’s short a few pints. Consider him my good deed, my step from darkness into the light.”

“You expect me to swallow your bullshit about switching sides?”

“No, you don’t look that stupid, though looks can be deceiving.”

Dax pushed away from the wall. “Let me coldcock the asshole, Kole.”

“You’re still pissed because I roughed you up a while back. Wussy vamps. Commander, I know I have to prove myself. Here’s my show of good faith. Cerberus sent me to find some sword he’s hepped up about.”

Kole glanced at Miller, who touched a hand to his side while he coughed.

“He might need a healer, too,” said Roark. “He’s got a few broken ribs.”

“Tell us about this blade.” Chay shifted the crossbow to his side, showing little concern for the injured Miller Nash.

“I know nothing about it except he wants it. I do have a place to start.”

“Talk.” Sparks jumped from Kole’s hands. “My patience is as short as the fuse on my temper.”

“A witch named Indigo, finder of lost objects or some such shit.”

Kole narrowed skeptical eyes. “I’m supposed to turn you loose on Scath to wander around with Indigo?”

“I might have to tramp about Earth, too.”

“Yeah. Not happening.” Kole tapped his D-chip. He drummed his fingers on his desk while obviously listening to someone on his communication device. When he punched his wrist again to disconnect, one side of his mouth curled into an unpleasant snarl.

Kole’s eyes slitted, the shade more fire red than gold. He scrutinized Roark. Rising, he planted both fists on his desk. “I don’t care what Cadmon just told me, son. You cross me, you won’t live long enough to regret it.” He re-settled into his chair. “Indigo is among the most powerful mages on Scath. The witch can handle you, but she stays by your side at all times. When you find this sword, you bring it to me. Capisce?”

Chay and Dax exchanged looks which passed for whatthefuck.

Roark sent them a gotcha grin along with a nod to Kole. “What about my man Nash?”

“Chay, take Miller to a healer. Afterward have Rein rummage around in his head a bit. Verify he’s not a threat to us or the coven.”

Roark grinned. “Be careful inside the Brit’s noggin. Humans are susceptible to overload. Makes them explode. Right, Nash?”

Miller narrowed his eyes, brows pulling snug.

Ignoring the exchange, Kole shouted another order. “Dax, grab some backup to take Roark to Indigo. Don’t know where you’ll find her this late. If she agrees to the sword hunt, instruct her to watch him. Be sure she understands the blade comes to me if they locate it. If this shifter bastard gives her any trouble, she can bury his ass.”