Page 18 of The Phoenix

The giant carnal demon lumbered out the door, straight-arming the kid all the way. Kole overheard him say, “Take her, Bounty. Please.”

Brak returned to the office, creases still on his forehead along with worry lines around the eyes. “Damn, Kole. Never do that again.”

“Sorry. My day with her. Isn’t she great, though?”

“Terrific for something so fragile. How can you even touch her? Her body’s like glass. Skyler shouldn’t leave the kid with you.”

“Kae’s my daughter. Besides, I want to spend all the time I can with her because she’s safe when I can see her. Hell. I’d have her and my mate on a leash, but that’s not happening. Apparently, kids need space. Mates, too.”

“Really? I’d be too afraid I’d do something stupid like fracture the kid’s arm or drop her.”

“They bounce. They aren’t as breakable as you think. The real problem is the kid’s memory. She repeats whatever she hears. Mostly to Skyler. When she does, I’m in deep shit. Last night, the sweet babe said, ‘Fuck you.’ No idea where she heard those fucking words.”

“No shit. I’ll be careful.”

Kole brushed a fist across his close-cropped fire-gold hair. “I have an assignment for you.” He searched for the notes on his desk, finding them buried beneath a stack he hadn’t gotten to yet. “A human prosecutor needs protection. You’re it.”

“Since when are we in the bodyguard biz?”

“Since her father is on the Alliance’s board of directors. For their safety, he and the wife are sitting it out at Jarek’s stronghold. The daughter refused to come along, something about a big case she’s in the middle of.”

The Alliance was a long-time ally. Its employees were humans with a dash of Aeternal DNA. For centuries, the organization operated on Earth, keeping Scath’s secrets while they arranged trade between realms and assisted in returning undesirable escaped Aeternals home. Skyler was their chief legal officer, and two of his Firebrands had been agents in the group. Denim and Nico. Once Dante made Scath known to Earthers, Alliance staff went underground or sought sanctuary here on Scath.

“Are we worried about Arisen Dawn getting to her?” asked Brak.

“No. More like some human assholes threatened her regarding her current case. Keep your pheromones in check and your pants zipped. The female’s father is important enough to create a shit storm of trouble.”

Hurt flashed in Brak’s eyes.

“Erase the whipped puppy look. I was young and single once myself.” Though Kole credited his warrior with the hard work to curb his needs, the male was still learning to manage the out-of-control sex drive so common to his breed. But Cadmon had requested the biggest, meanest-looking sonofabitch he had. He tapped Brak.

“You can trust me, Comm. I’ve leashed the beast. It’s in check. Since the Firebrands took me in, I haven’t had a full-blown episode. I’m older. Stronger.”

Kole rose, striding to the demon, squeezing his shoulder. “I know you are, son. I’m proud of you. What you’ve become. I’m not disparaging your gains.”

When Brak had joined the Firebrands, he was in a bad way. He had been one step away from giving in to his lust, becoming a mindless creature. Though his struggle was hard-won, he now kept a rein on his appetites.

With the humongous Firebrand on his six, Kole left his office. Kae and Bounty were stretched out on the floor, reading some story about a flying dragon. Brak almost tripped on the kid, sidestepping her just in time.

“I don’t know sh … anything about kids. Do they read this young?”

The commander whispered in Brak’s ear. “No. Like I said, she repeats everything, including stories. Word for word.”

Before he walked out the door, Brak bent to high-five Kae.

Kole waited around in Bounty’s office. Once the story ended, he stretched out his arms. His daughter squealed, flashed her brightest smile, and toddled to him. Once, except for his frerons, he had been alone. Now he had a mate and a tiny demon-witch mixling. He worshiped them. They were his to love, to protect, to cherish. He would never let them down.

After scooping her into his arms, Kole tossed his daughter into the air just to hear her laugh. Each time she landed in his grasp, the toddler pinched his nose and kissed his cheeks. She was a daddy’s girl.

“If Skyler sees you playing with the kid like she’s a beach ball, you’ll have hell to pay.”

“I know. Why do you think I only do it when we’re alone?”

“Again, Daddy. Again.” Kae clapped her hands together.

Bounty pointed to her D-chip. “Meeting. Toss me the kiddo. I’ll do duty.”

“Do not stuff her with candy while I’m gone.” Kole raised a finger in warning. “She gets amped.”