Page 17 of The Phoenix

Roark pushed off the grass, pointing a finger toward his feet. “Indy, come here.”

Her chin jerked up. “You must be kidding.”

Roark angled his head, a slow grin spreading across his face. “You know you want to.”

Indigo struck a classic pose, fist on hip, foot jutted out. Her temper was charming. Instead of using manipulative wiles on him, her honesty shone in every action. She was refreshing.

With lightning speed, Roark latched onto her arm, pulling her to his chest. Before she could say something stupid to stop him, his lips crushed hers, his tongue stabbing inside to explore.

He tightened the hold around her waist while he ground against her, giving her a taste of his large, aching erection. He rotated his hips, each stroke exquisite, his desire for her escalating.

He thrust his tongue deeper.

When he was about to retreat, thinking the kiss one-sided, she got with the action. Her arms looped around his neck. Her body rocked along with his. Damn. He was about to embarrass himself. He jammed a thigh between her legs so she could rub her sweet spot against him.

Indy’s soft moans whispered in his ear. Then she kangarooed. Her fingers drifted to his shoulders and on to his chest where she pushed hard.

Refusing to accept the rejection, he clutched her tighter, uncaring if he left bruises. Later, he’d enjoy examining every inch of her fair skin for his marks, adding to them if he desired.

She struggled harder against him, twisting her tempting body to evade his arms.

With a sigh of regret, he broke the connection. “Your moods are erratic. I’m getting whiplash.”

Her hand flew to her mouth, wiping off his kiss.

Roark chuckled as he steadied his breathing, his balls a painful ache, his libido in overdrive. “I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to wipe away the memory of my lips on yours, Indy.”

“I’ll use mouthwash when I get home.”

He had no clever comeback. He bristled at the thought of her washing away the taste of him while he still savored her flavor of promises not yet met. Of decadence and passion. Indy may not want to want him, but she did. She couldn’t hide the pounding of her heart, the rush of her blood, the shiver when he touched her.

He leaned in close, whispering, “When you crawl into bed tonight, dream of me buried inside you, thrusting deep, making you moan.”

Indy pulled back an arm, but before she could strike, Roark stepped out of her path, letting her fist zip by his jaw. “Gotta go now. I’ve got assholes to please, prisoners to knock around, ass to lick. Typical bad guy stuff.” He captured her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Cerberus put a bounty on your pretty head. Guess who he wants to collect it?”

Her eyes narrowed.

“That’s right. Me. Take care, Indy. Others may accept the assignment. Hell, for enough money, I might. No, not true. I want you to die. But it’ll be from the pleasure of sucking my dick.”

As she sputtered, Roark shot into the sky, his cock still a hot rocket in his pants, his emotions raw. All he could think about was the witch he wanted to fuck. Just once. Maybe twice. Though the raven flew far from her, protective instincts ruffled its feathers. As it soared into unexplored territory, it knew it would never allow Indy to be harmed.


Big mutherfucker, thought Kole when Brak thundered through the open door into his office. The warrior was the tallest, most bulked up of his Firebrands. And, if the Covenkirk commander believed the rumors, dangerously addicted to sex. But he was a carnal demon. The breed walked a fine line. Not enough feeding from orgasms, he would suffer agony, brittle bones, aching joints, lethargy, or death. Too much, he would slide into a destructive sexual frenzy. Which was where Brak had been years ago before joining the warriors. Though it had been a long road back, the demon made it. Kole respected Brak’s constant struggle with his beast.

His daughter Kae sat on the floor stacking blocks, cooing, squealing whenever they toppled. “Take her out to Bounty for a sec,” ordered Kole.

“Who? Me?” Brak, wide-eyed, mouth agape, stared at the toddler.

“Who else? You aren’t afraid of my baby, are you?”

“As a matter of fact, I am. She’s fragile. I’ll break her.”

“Don’t. There’ll be hell to pay. If not from me, then from my mate.” Fire shot from Kole’s fingers. “You don’t want to piss her off, son.”

Brak’s chest puffed out with a deep breath when he picked up Kae, holding her at arm’s length, her tiny feet dangling in the air.

She laughed, small, delicate hands patting his forearms.