Page 11 of The Phoenix

“Is it important to know their ancestors?” asked General Lipton.

Alarik shrugged. “It is my people’s belief, absent scientific proof, that in order for the descendants to affect the realms and portals, we will need one from each bloodline. Just like the original coven who created the Karmic Schism.”

The general leaned forward. “Do you have one of each?”

“No,” said Alarik. “But we are close.”

“Does this Cerberus?” asked the German army representative.

Alarik shrugged. “He could have.”

Bored, Indigo released a loud sigh.

Ignoring her, Cadmon checked notes on the table in front of him. “Viktor, you have been communicating with directors, lawgivers, and justices to see where their loyalties lie.”

“Yes. Of the nine justices, I scratched off Dolph along with four others. I’ll send you the names to pass on. Most lawgivers, except Daire, Narina, and me, stand with Arisen Dawn. Boden took most of the Ministry of Compliance with him. The Ministries of Coin, Labor, and Culture also deserted.”

“Bunch of Nancies,” muttered Indigo.

“True,” said Cadmon, obviously hearing her. “I’ll message the names and positions to each person here today. General Lipton, can you fill us in on your military’s progress?”

Lip opened a file passed to him by Matty. “Sorry about the read, but I wanted to be sure to include all these points. First, like you said, no significant attacks, but the few Aeternals who slip through are bad enough. A few unchecked vampires can wipe out a small town quickly.” He checked his notes. “Oregon’s been hit the worst. Eugene, Bend, and Medford. Second, the problems are widespread. The foreign military representatives I brought along today are experiencing small incursions into their countries. Third, people are scared, and we’re being pressured to bring out the big guns, blow the known portals to smithereens. The general pop may soon scream for dead Aeternals.”

“Won’t work,” said Kole. “You can destroy the gateway exit sites—garages, storefronts, or whatever. But we’ll still be able to travel through the portals. We’ll just materialize nearby.”

“Crazies are proposing nuclear bombs.” Lip held up a hand to stop the rumbling of voices. “Please understand, right now logic isn’t holding the high ground. Scared folks are talking out of their asses. The military knows nuclear weapons could destroy Earth itself. They’re out as far as we’re concerned. But fear is insidious and irrational. Also, scientists are still working to crack your portal jumpers. If that happens, all bets are off. I may be ordered to invade Scath whether I want to or not. I, along with the rest of these officers, prefer to have you as allies rather than enemies.”

“You have something to add?” Cadmon recognized Indigo’s waving hand.

She sure did. She had a burning question. “Who sent the stud to my river?”

His brows raised, General Lipton turned toward Matty, speaking loud enough for Indigo to hear. “Who’s she? What river?”

“She’s a witch who communes with The River Am. Indigo sees present, past, and a shitload of possible future events in the water. A little quirky, but I’m told powerful,” said Matty.

Alarik patted her arm. “Dear, I don’t think anyone knows what you’re talking about.”

Just in case her brother was right, she added, “The stud. The raven shifter. The skinny-dipper fucking up my river.”

“What’s he look like?” asked Dax.

“Big guy. Pushing two eighty. Hung like a questing beast in mating season. Not that I looked. For long. Smoky black hair, stormy gray eyes like chips of glass. Huge-ass Phoenix brand on the entire solid, massive expanse of his muscled back. Kissed like…” She touched her lips. “Didn’t catch his name.”

Dax and Matty both jumped out of their chairs.

“You take it.” The human colonel pounded a fist on the table, bouncing glasses and cups.

“My pleasure,” said the O bloodsucking, sinister Firebrand, combing fingers through his long black hair, the lip beneath his faint mustache curled into a snarl to show fang.

Months ago, Indigo would have written him off as headed for the bludfrenzy, but he reformed after mating Chiara.

Dax said, “He’s one of Cerberus’s soldiers who tortured Matty and me. Fought for Arisen Dawn at the Battle of Bozeman and at the gateway to Sacramento. Whatever he was doing at the river wasn’t good.”

“A traitor? I suspected it.” Indigo waved her hand through the air. “On with the news. Upstream is turbulent. So many possibilities gathering. Damn the levees. Expect a flood. And not one of the possible futures looked like a keeper. I’m pretty sure a few more Blood Coven descendants are coming our way. Also a quest for something important will likely be undertaken. Couldn’t see what it was. I can tell you this, Cerberus is in all the futures.” She paused, her eyes skimming the faces at the table.

Then, like bread in a toaster, Indigo popped to her feet, palms flattened to the table, her gaze studying each face in the room. “Prepare for war.”

When everyone in the room stared in silence, she flopped into her seat, Alarik looping an arm across her shoulders.