“Well, yes.” Admitting it feels good. “And I like the things he does for me too.” I blush as I think about the thing he does the best. The sex.

“You mean you like what he does to you.” Nodding, she knows exactly what I’m not saying.

“My advice is, little by little, let some of your true self out. Eventually you will get to be the real you, and he won’t even notice that anything has even changed.”

Sneaky. I like it!

Chapter 12


Tension fills me as we drive through the Massachusetts countryside. “You doing okay over there, baby?”

Lisa’s eyes, glued to the window, move to mine. “Okay?” Shaking her head, she’s all smiles. “This is the most beauty I have ever seen, babe!” She moves over to sit next to me and takes my hand as her expression turns to concern. “You seem tense.”

“I know it’s beautiful around here, but I have to worry about how things will go with this entire thing. Bringing together powerful men, and so many of them at that, sounds like a bad idea to me.” Plus, my brother has inserted a plan that might get us all killed. But I’m not about to tell her about that right now.

The time will come, though, when she’ll have to know the plan.

“Sheila told me that a truce was called so that there won’t be any arguing. Maybe some posturing, but nothing too serious should happen.” Running her arm through mine, she snuggles up to my side. “I’ll keep praying that everything’s okay if that makes you feel any better, babe.”

She’s trying to make me feel at ease, the sweet thing. Kissing the top of her head, I can’t help but smile. “I’m sure everything will be all right. I just want to be cautious.”

The car turns, and we begin pulling through enormous iron gates. Gates that can be closed, and we would have a hell of a hard time getting back out of them.

“Is this the place?” She sits up, looking all around. “Oh yes, this is it. It has to be. I’m shaking.” She holds out her hand for me to see. “I’m terrified. I can’t lie. But I’m also excited.”

“I can see that.”

I wish I could feel as giddy as she is.

Not that I have ever felt giddy a day in my life.

Looking out the window, I watch as our cars are directed to park in what seems to be an underground parking area. Again, something that can be locked up to prevent us from getting to our cars if necessary.

There are sure to be so many traps in this place that it’ll make me insane. Holding Lisa’s hand helps me somehow. It’s like being strong for her sends my worries packing.

With a kiss on her cheek, I let her know how happy I am to have her with me. “I’m glad I’ve got you, baby.”

She bats her long eyelashes at me, and her eyes get glassy. “Aww, Frank, I’m glad I’ve got you too, babe. I think things will go just fine.” The car stops, and she giggles. “This is it!”

I’m guarding my brother, so I walk right behind him. Sheila’s on his arm, and Lisa is on mine. We’re all gussied up, strapped to the hilt with guns.

Of course, everyone was told not to bring firearms, but there’s not one of us who would leave their weapons behind in any situation, much less one this dangerous.

The ladies have small pistols tied to the insides of their thighs, and that’s why they’re all wearing loose-fitting dresses. That way, we’ll have access to one more gun if needed, and the women can use them to protect themselves if the situation requires it.

Not that any of the girls will have to use those things. They’re there so we can get to them if need be. Which I hope won’t happen.

There is a short line waiting at the enormous double doors that will allow us to enter the mansion, which is one of the biggest I have ever seen.

Lisa’s head drops back as she looks up at the majestic building. “Someone lives here?”

Sheila turns her head and laughs. “I’m sure more than one person lives here.”

“An army could live here,” I mumble, finding it too big to fully control.

Bobby is behind me, and Leo behind him as his guard. Stanly brings up the rear. Their wives are as enthusiastic about this as mine is.