I want to ask her so much more, but I know it will only get us both into trouble. “Funny that I already find myself thinking in terms of staying on Frank’s good side.”

“That’s best. Staying on your husband’s good side will make your life much easier. And believe me—you want easy over hard. The Vietti type of hard is worse than anything you can imagine.”

I better adapt quickly if I want to keep breathing!

Chapter 8


We take the hearse back to our home. Lisa sits in the front seat, still wearing her wedding gown. I’m in my tux and can’t wait to get out of the thing.

“So, what do you think of my family, Mrs. Vietti?”

“They’re all very nice.” Her eyes are glued to the droplets of rain from the night’s light showers that run down the window.

I know she’s afraid to speak her true feelings to me. And I know I shouldn’t care if she likes my family or not. She’s stuck with all of us, and that’s all there is to it.

But still, I find myself caring. “Hey, you can talk freely to me, you know.”

She turns to look at me. “I was speaking freely. I do think everyone I met today was very nice. I liked the way they made me feel like part of the family. I didn’t have a large family. It was Mom, Dad, and Grandma. My grandfather died before I was born.”

“You never went to big family gatherings?”

She shakes her head and clucks her tongue thoughtfully. “No. I was never sure why we didn’t visit relatives the way my friends’ families would, especially during the holidays. Mom just said that the holidays were our busiest times at the floral shop, and we had to work.”

Her immediate family being so tight-knit gives me reason to think her father or mother might have been hiding something from her. “You never met any aunts or uncles? Not even cousins?”

“They never talked about other family.” With a heavy sigh, she asks, “Do you think it’s normal for me to be so tired after the wedding and reception? I mean, I feel totally wiped out.”

“Are you telling me this because you don’t want to have sex?” I laugh but see a frown on her face and quickly change my tune. “It’s natural to be exhausted after things like this. I’m tired too, so sex is probably not a thing that’s going to happen tonight anyway. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I wasn’t worried. I like sex with you. I’m just worried that being this tired isn’t normal.” Her fingers inch over the car seat to my upper thigh. “Sex is the best part of our deal,” she says with a grin.

I have taken everything she has. Giving her great sex is probably an even trade. “It’s my pleasure to pleasure you, my dear wife.” Taking her hand, I turn it over and kiss her palm.

Her cheeks go red instantly, and her eyes glisten. “This might be a pretty good marriage then.”

There are things she needs to know, and the time has come to fill her in. “So, you’ve probably been thinking that I didn’t need to fake marry you just to get your business or take over your house.”

“The thought has occurred to me.”

I knew she wasn’t stupid. “There’s a summit coming up, and only wives can accompany their husbands.”

“What is a summit, and why only wives?” Her interest pleases me.

“A summit is a big meeting with the top leaders of many of the Cosa Nostra in the United States—and Canada, too, I think. I’m going as one of my brother’s guards.” I see fear begin to fill her eyes.

“You want to take me to a place crawling with Mafia members?” She shakes her head. “Why?”

“Everyone who’s going will have their wives with them. I want to take mine too. That’s why my brother and I set up the pretend marriage. You should be honored. Not everyone can say they’re going to this thing. You’re lucky.”

“I feel like I might not make it out of something like that alive. You told me earlier that we’re in danger whenever we’re all together. And now you’re talking about getting rival families together. Do you really think we’ll be safe?”

“I’m not saying it’s going to be safe. Like I said, we’re never safe. Not really. But we’re protected, and you will be too.” Reaching over, I pull her chin back toward me so I can see her face. “Hey, I won’t let nothin’ happen to you, Lisa. I need you to believe me.”

“Will Sheila be there too?” she asks.

I knew she would hit it off with my sister-in-law. “Of course she will. She’s like royalty in this family. Enzo’s the king, and she’s the queen. Wherever he goes, she does too. And that’s how it’s gonna be with you and me now.”