I want her business. I want her home. I want her to pretend to be my wife.

I might not be the most romantic man in the world, but I want to marry—actually and legally marry—only a woman I truly love.

My parents had something special, and I want what they had—a true, undying love that never stops, even when death knocks at the door.

I’ve seen the grim reality of Enzo and Sheila’s marriage made in hell, and it’s not for me. They don’t argue about a thing. She dotes on him. She takes excellent care of their children and runs the house like it should be run. She checks all the boxes. But she doesn’t love my brother, and he doesn’t love her.

Real love means that you have to argue once in a while. If you don’t care enough to fight for your woman or your man, then there’s no love there. Not real love. Not the kind of love you would die for.

That’s the only kind of love I want.

“If you two are finished exchanging vows, we can move on to the rings. You have them, Frank.” The priest is rushing me, obviously wanting this to be over and done with.

Pulling the rings from the inside pocket of my tuxedo jacket, I hold them out in the palm of my hand. “You take the larger one, Lisa.”

Picking up the ring, she waits for the priest to tell us what to do next.

“Frank, place the ring on Lisa’s finger and say, with this ring, I thee wed,” the priest says.

Nodding, I slip the ring onto her finger. It fits perfectly. “Lisa, with this ring, I thee wed.” My voice cracks at the end, and I swallow, pretending something is lodged in my throat.

She looks at me with a grin and then looks at the priest. “My turn now?”

He nods, and she proceeds to put the ring on my finger, saying, “Frank, with this ring, I thee wed.”

Watching her gives me pause for a second or two. She’s so pretty, and it’s just like a real wedding.

But it isn’t real. It’s a sham, and this whole thing is just business.

The priest clears his throat, and I turn to look at him. “You are now man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

My blood runs cold as I turn to face Lisa. This isn’t real. She’s not really my wife.

She leans in and looks terrified when I don’t. “Frank, what’s wrong?”

I’m not sure what the hell to say, so I just say what I think will make me feel better. “I just don’t want you to get all sappy about this. It’s all fake. Remember that. This is not a real marriage.”

“Okay.” Her eyes dart toward the guests who sit on the edges of their seats, waiting for our kiss. “Do you not want to kiss me?”

,knowing I have to kiss her or never live it down.

Grabbing her, I decide to make a real spectacle out of it. I tilt her back in my arms and then kiss her passionately as everyone cheers.

Pulling her back up, I take her hand in mine and raise our clasped hands up in the air as Father Carmine shouts, “Allow me to introduce you all to Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Vietti!”

Chapter 7


The sounds of the guests cheering echo inside my head, making me feel like this is a dream and not real life. I allow my new husband to lead me back down the aisle from whence I came only moments ago, but my actions bother me.

Am I a sheep so easily led to the slaughter?

Sheila, who is now my sister-in-law, smiles at me, waving to catch my attention. “You did great!” she says, seemingly proud of how I did what I had to do to survive.

“Thanks for all your help, Sheila.” If not for her wisdom, I might never have made it this far.

Frank tucks my hand into the crook of his arm and leans in to whisper, “I’m going to introduce you to everyone. You should say their names aloud so you can memorize them. It’s disrespectful not to address someone by name.”