Page 79 of A Calamity of Souls

“They brought Battle in, so why can’t they bring in another judge?”

Jack started to say something and then looked at DuBose. “No reason at all.”

“Some people want to make a political statement by snuffing your clients.” He looked at DuBose. “Which explains why you’re here, even if you don’t want to admit it.”

“I have no trouble admitting my principles and beliefs, Mr. Peppers.”

“Just make it Donny.”

“So which side of the Black-white stuff do you come down on, Donny?”

Before he could answer, a tall, lanky Black woman in her early thirties and dressed in tight jeans and a red sleeveless blouse strode in. She wore big, chunky platform shoes that raised her impressive height another few inches.

“How much longer, Donny? I’m roastin’ out there, babe.”

Peppers frowned. “I told you to leave the engine running and the AC on, Shirl. I’m working here.”

“Every time I do that the damn car overheats. And we’re goin’ out to dinner. I’ll be a big ball of sweat. Again!”

“Okay, okay.” Peppers turned to DuBose. “Shirl, I’d like you to meet Jack’s co-counsel, Desiree DuBose. This is my wife, Shirley.”

DuBose looked startled for a moment but then put out a hand. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Peppers.”

Shirley shook her hand. “Just make it Shirl.” She paused and gave DuBose an appraising look. “I kind of dig your hairstyle, Desiree, but you could do a lot more with it. I have my own salon. Shirl’s Curls.” She slipped out a business card and handed it to DuBose. “If you’re gonna be here awhile come and see me. I’ll give you a new look. Guaranteed you’ll love it.”

DuBose looked down at the card. “Thank you. I might take you up on that.”

“Now, as to what side I come down on?” began Peppers.

DuBose held up the card. “Don’t give it another thought, Donny.”

Peppers punched Jack lightly on the arm. “I’ll start mowing through this.”


“Okay. Let’s go, Shirl, I’m starving. And hustling business from my clients while I’m standing right here? It’s embarrassing.”

He grinned, chortled, and then belly-laughed before quickly walking out, leaving Shirl to stare after him, one hand on a thrust-out hip. She eyed DuBose with a sideways, long-suffering glance. “Girl, if I didn’t love that man so much, one day, you know?”

DuBose smiled weakly. “I know.”

Shirl left and Jack closed and locked the door. He turned to DuBose.

“You could have told me,” she said.

“I wanted you to find out on your own that Freeman County is not exactly how you think it is.”

“I already knew that, having met you.”

“Donny fought in World War II and Korea. He also tried to volunteer for Vietnam, but they said he was too old. He’s the toughest man I’ve ever met in my life. And Shirl intimidates the hell out of him. He just tries to act cool with her to hide that.”

“When did they get married?”

“A month after the Loving decision. But they’ve lived together for years.”

“And how do people in Freeman County look upon their marriage?”

“They hate it. But everyone’s too scared to tell them.”