Jerome snorted. “Let me go? What drugs you on?”
“The state has to prove your guilt.”
“Uh-huh, sure they do,” Jerome replied bitterly, looking away.
“You’re a citizen with rights.”
Jerome stared at Jack and his look was withering. “No, I’m a n—— to every white person walkin’ down the street lookin’ at me like I don’t belong here. Did they fight for this country? Did they get shot up? I did. I was. And this still ain’t my country for why I don’t know.” Finished, he dropped his gaze and studied the floor.
Jack waited for a few moments to break the silence. He knew every word Jerome had spoken was the absolute truth. And he also knew it would not help his case in the slightest. “So tell me about that day at the Randolphs.”
His head slowly swinging back and forth Jerome said, “I was in the garage cleanin’ the car. They got them a big old Buick. Mr. Leslie like it spic ’n’ span.”
“Okay, then what?”
“I done finished cleanin’ it. Then time for me to get on home.”
“What time was that?”
“Clock on the car say six. ’Member the hands pointin’ up and down.”
“So you finished up and then what?”
“Went to the house get my money. They pay on Friday. Forty dollars cash for the week. Good money. Good money.”
“So you went to the house, and then what?” Jack asked patiently.
“I knocked on the back door, but ain’t nobody answer. I knock again. Ain’t hear nothin’. Then I see the door open a little bit. I poke my head in, and say it’s me.”
“And no answer?”
“Did they sometimes go out?”
“Just for a walk, but it real hot that day and they stay inside. But they real good ’bout payday. So I think maybe they ain’t hear me.”
“So you poked your head in and called out?”
“Yes sir. But nobody answer me. So’s I walk on in. I don’t like bein’ in the house like that, but I don’t know what else to do ’cause I need my money. Pearl be expectin’ it. I look ’round for ’em in the kitchen, front room, and then the eatin’ room.”
“But you did find them? And they were...?”
Jerome looked up into Jack’s face and his lips trembled. “He be on the floor. Miss Anne, too. Blood every damn place, and all over them.”
Jack nodded. “What did you do?”
When Jerome next spoke, his voice cracked. “I pretty sure they dead, but I still wanna help ’em. I try to get Mr. Leslie off the floor. But he too heavy. I’m real strong, but I got the bad leg and Mr. Leslie is a big man who like his food all right.” He stopped. “Leastways he did.”
“And Miss Anne?”
“Oh, she right small. So I done set her upright in the chair. She a fine lady. She ain’t got no use bein’ on the floor like that.”
“You did all that but you don’t have any blood on your clothes?”
Jerome looked down. “No sir. Blood all dried up when I get there.”
Jack made a note of this. “And when did the police arrive?”