Page 87 of A Calamity of Souls

“Okay, just take us through the day and then we’ll have some questions based on what you told the police.”

Robinson cleared her throat. “I get to work ’bout nine ’less the bus is late. At the Randolphs I do the housework and help with the lunch and all.”

“And did you see the Randolphs that day?”

“Oh sure, I seen ’em both.”

“And they seemed normal?” asked Jack.

Her facial muscles tensed. “Y-yeah, nothin’ off that I could see.”

“And did you see Jerome that day?” he asked.

“No. Sometimes I do, but sometimes not. Depend on what he’s doin’ and all.”

“When did you leave that day?”

“I cleaned up the lunch dishes, and give the kitchen a good wipe down till right ’round two. I got my purse and left.”

“Did you say goodbye to the Randolphs?” asked Jack.

“No. After lunch they usually take a little nap at the back ’a the house.”

“And do you lock the front door when you leave?”

“I don’t go out the front door. I go out the back. Just close it behind me. I don’t have no key.”

“Did you see a blue convertible out front when you were leaving? Or did you see it driving by when you were walking to the bus stop?” asked Jack.

“No, I never seen nothin’ like that.”

“Did you see anyone else that day?”

“Mailman come round that mornin’.”

“And he left a package on the porch, we heard?” said DuBose.

“Yeah, he did.”

“Did you see the package?” asked Jack.

“Yes, sir. I took it inside and put it on the table in the front hall.”

“Do you remember anything about it?” asked DuBose. “Who it came from? Who it was addressed to? Its size or shape?”

“I didn’t look at the label or nothin’. It was about this size.” With her hands she made a small, rectangular shape.

“Was it heavy?” asked Jack.


“Could you hear anything rattling around inside?”

“Nuh-uh. I think it might have paper inside. Felt like it.”

“Was it still on the table when you were leaving?” asked DuBose.

“No. I figured the Randolphs got it after I put it there.”