Page 176 of A Calamity of Souls

Battle handed it over.

“Defense requests a two-day recess,” said DuBose.

“What for?” asked Ambrose, appearing shocked by this.

She said slowly and carefully, trying to keep her temper in check, “We have just been handed what the commonwealth is alleging is the murder weapon, Judge, and that they also allege was found on the defendants’ property. We’d like some time to investigate this further outside of court so that we can prepare for our next steps in court.”

Ambrose seemed to have lost patience with appearing fair-minded. “I’ll give you ten minutes. Make good use of it.” He rose from the bench and disappeared into his chambers.

DuBose scowled at Battle. “I didn’t expect this kind of dirty-handed trick from you, Edmund.”

He looked uncomfortable. “It really just came to our attention, Desiree.”

“The hell it did!” She looked away in disgust.

Jack was checking out the weapon, turning it over and over. He asked Jerome if he’d ever seen it before.

Jerome shook his head. “No sir, never.”

Jack felt someone tap him on the shoulder. It was his brother, leaning over the railing separating the gallery from the front of the courtroom.

“Let me see that thing,” said Jeff.

Jack handed it over and Jeff examined it thoroughly. Then he smiled, pointed to a barely visible marking on the blade, and whispered to Jack, who stiffened when he saw what his brother was indicating. The two brothers conversed in low voices for a couple of minutes. Then Jack took the weapon and spoke, at length, into DuBose’s ear. She nodded in agreement.

When Ambrose returned, DuBose rose. “Your Honor, in light of the seriousness of this piece of ‘evidence,’ the defense would like to call an expert witness to validate it.”

“Mr. Till?” said Ambrose.

“No. Mr. Till has already acknowledged that he is no expert on this subject. I call Mr. Jefferson Lee.”

“Who?” barked Battle.

“Mr. Jefferson Lee, a decorated war veteran with the United States Army.”

“I don’t see how that makes him an expert on knives,” protested Battle.

“Let me put him on the stand and show you then. You always have the right to cross-examine him, Mr. Battle. And you dumped this on us, and the judge will not grant a recess, so we have no time to find another expert. Thus, I don’t see how you have any grounds to object.”

Battle exclaimed, “Wait a minute. Lee?” He looked at Jack. “Are you related?”

“He’s my younger brother.”

“Your Honor,” exclaimed Battle. “We can’t allow defense counsel’s brother to testify. That is outrageous.”

DuBose pounced. “What is outrageous, Mr. Battle, is your ambushing us with this purported murder weapon without even allowing us to question the person who led you to it. And if the judge isn’t convinced he’s an expert, he won’t be able to testify.”

“And if he is no expert, I’m putting a stop to this real quick,” said Ambrose.

“Defense calls Jefferson Lee to the stand,” said DuBose immediately.

Jeff Lee rose, walked ramrod straight to the witness stand, and was sworn in. DuBose approached with the weapon in her hands.

“Mr. Lee, did you serve in the United States Army?”

“I did.”

“For how long?”