Page 73 of Gilded Princess


I walk around for an hour, casually browsing a few shops around Matteo’s apartment. I know I need to go back to my dorm, but I’m not ready to go back to Matteo’s apartment and get my stuff. I needed a little space from them.

Dante asked me to stay, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea. I like the idea of exploring more with him—and Leo. But maybe a change of scenery is better.

The walls felt like they were closing in on me, and I needed some air to clear my head. Walking around and admiring beautiful things usually helps calm me down. A byproduct of shopping with my mother for so many years, I’m sure.

I suppose I could always just leave now, head to my place without a word to any of them. But something about not saying goodbye has my soul aching in a way I don’t understand.

I’m a little surprised . . . and maybe even disappointed that none of them followed me, even just watched over me to make sure I wasn’t snatched off the street again. But I suppose that threat is gone now, Lainey and her boys are taking care of it.

Still, the hopeless romantic part of me thought they’d catch up to me. Maybe this is fate’s way of telling me it’s time to move on. That or I read too many romance novels.

I walk toward a coffee shop I spotted about a half block down. It’s hot today, and the sunshine and humidity make it feel ten degrees warmer. An iced tea would taste amazing right now.

I open the door and welcome the cool, air-conditioned air. A bell chimes, announcing my arrival.

“Welcome to Mocha Lisa!” someone greets me from behind the counter. I can’t see them from this angle, but I smile in response.

I look around as I walk toward the counter, taking in all the decor. This place is incredible. Bookshelves line one wall with brightly colored spines facing outward. Mismatched overstuffed chairs, vintage-looking tables and chairs, flowers in tall, skinny vases as centerpieces, overflowing bakery case.

Mocha Lisa might be my next favorite coffee shop.

“Hey, what can I get you?” the barista asks with a wide smile. Her black hair is pulled back into a messy bun on the top of her head and black, wide-framed glasses sit perched on her nose, framing ice-blue eyes. They’ve got to be the palest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, and they’re so mesmerizing, it takes me a moment to respond to her question.

I laugh, embarrassment warming my cheeks. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I’ve never seen eyes like yours before. They’re so unique.”

She waves a hand in the air, her smile never wavering. “You’re fine. I get that all the time. So, what’ll it be today?”

“Oh, uh, how about an iced tea? Something with caffeine. Lots of caffeine, please.”

She nods her head as if she’s commiserating with me. “One of those days, huh?”

“You have no idea.” I smile and let my gaze wander as she gets my drink together. I look over their bakery case in interest. Homemade cookies, coffee cakes, mini cupcakes, biscotti, fudgy brownies. You can usually find some hidden gems in the bakery case of a good coffee shop.

“Well, this should give you that boost you need. It’s a loose leaf black tea with a hint of apricot. It’s one of our bestsellers and one of my favorites. The timer will beep in a few minutes when it’s done steeping, then I’ll pour it over some ice for you.” She places the mini French press of steeping tea and the timer on the counter. “Four twenty-three today.”

“Perfect, thanks.” Looking down, I reach into my crossbody purse. My fingers curl over my wallet when a familiar voice rolls over me.


Lifting my head, I notice a familiar hand holding a familiar black card. My muscles tighten at his proximity, and my heart betrays me by skipping a beat.

“I’ll take an Americano too, please.”

The barista takes her time taking his card, her gaze asking me if I’m okay. I nod twice before tipping my head to the side.

Sun-kissed skin, a five o’clock shadow, and pouty lips are the first things I see. “How did you find me?”

“A coffee shop with vintage books and mismatched chairs? Where else would you be?” His response is immediate, and it thaws a little of my ire. “Okay, that’s not entirely true. This is the twelfth coffee shop I’ve been to in the last hour. Pretty sure the last place was going to call the cops on me for asking about you.” He shrugs, unbothered by the prospect of the cops showing up for him.

I step to the side to see him clearly. Charcoal-colored V-neck tee, shorts, and designer sunglasses covering his green eyes, he looks the part of casual wealthy like so many others in this area. “What’s with the sunglasses inside?”

The timer goes off, stealing my attention from him. The barista places Leo’s Americano on the counter, shuts off the timer, and pours the tea over ice.

He murmurs his thanks as he takes a sip of his coffee, his little noise of appreciation stealing my attention from the French press.

I gasp before I can think better of it and take a step toward him. “Jesus, Leo, what happened?” I brush tentative fingers over the skin underneath his eye. It’s darkening and puffy, and I’ve been around enough to know a black eye when I see one.