Setting the waters on the nightstand, I stood back and watched as he crawled into bed behind Marina. He pressed his front to her back, one hand rubbing over her lower abdomen and pulling her tighter against him. With a moan, she restlessly shifted her hips against him, her back arching.
Reeve released a ragged exhale, his eyes closing in a mixture of pleasure and pain before he buried his face in her neck. “When you wake up, I’m spanking your ass for thinking stupid shit, princess.”
They looked good together, but something was missing.
Unbuckling my own belt, I made quick work of getting out of my clothes, and I slid into bed with them. Kissing Marina’s forehead, I rubbed my hand over her ass, letting my knuckles skim over Reeve’s hard cock for a moment. He flexed against my touch, a tortured groan rumbling out of his throat. I’d been dreaming of this for years. Finally getting to hold Marina, and touch her and Reeve, wasn’t something I was going to pass up.
When Reeve lifted his head, his eyes hungrily drilled into me for a long moment, but I didn’t do more than stroke him a few times. “Any idea why she thought we were marrying someone else?”
“You mean why she would think that you were marrying someone else?” He cocked a brow, and I shrugged, feeling a little salty over being excluded. “I have my suspicions.”
“Stephanie?” He growled her name.
I nodded. Neither of us was a fan of Marina’s mother. We tried to be civil to her for our girl’s sake, but the selfish bitch was too full of herself to care about anyone but herself. Stephanie hadn’t been happy when we’d told William about the wedding. She didn’t want us to be with her daughter because it would cause the wrong kind of attention.
Reeve and I didn’t give a shit about anything but being with Marina. If William hadn’t promised to give us his full support if we let her enjoy her college experiences, I never would have waited as long as we had to make her our wife.
Four years of not touching her, kissing her, holding her the way I ached to. Four goddamn years of not fucking the two people I craved down to my soul. Reeve and I had always known there would only ever be one woman for us. We’d promised each other we would wait. Not just for our one, but to be with each other too. Once we found the missing piece to our puzzle, then we could explore our own connection as well.
We’d waited our entire lives to meet Marina, and when we’d finally found her, we had to fight the need to take what was ours. For her sake.
But we didn’t have to wait any longer. One more exam and college was over for her. I wasn’t waiting for her graduation or our wedding night.
As soon as Marina was sober, we were taking what was ours.
Groaning from how hot I was, I kicked a leg out, trying to get rid of the covers that were making me sweaty. Only, the blanket didn’t unwrap from around me. It grunted in my ear.
Reality returned at the same time my head began to pound, making it difficult to comprehend why my blanket had made a noise, let alone that it was one I was familiar with. My last coherent memory was crying over Reeve while I chugged down the dangerously delicious cocktail Kara had made to help ease my broken heart.
From the pulse pounding behind my eyeballs, I’d gotten completely sloshed, but that didn’t even begin to explain the grunting blanket issue. Slowly, I lifted my lashes and found myself looking straight into eyes so deeply brown they were almost black.
My heartbeat kicked up, my breaths coming out in tiny pants. I had to be dreaming. No way Reeve was lying in bed with me. And from the feel of it, turned on to the point that he was basically stabbing me in the belly. To prove to myself I was right and this was a dream, I rubbed against him.
He growled my name, his head lowering until I felt his breath caress my lips.
Gasping, I jerked away from him.
He was real.
In my bed.
And turned on.
My head hurt too badly to connect the dots of how or when he’d gotten into my bed, but that didn’t matter when he shouldn’t have been there to begin with. He was getting married to some faceless woman in a matter of days.
With a cry, I turned over, needing to get away from Reeve before I kissed him. Or kneed him in the balls.
Wilder’s startling blue eyes greeted me when I rolled over. Just as confused to find him in my bed as I was Reeve, but welcoming him because I needed him to comfort me, I buried my face in his chest.
Barely registering that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, I released a strangled sob.
“Princess, don’t cry,” Reeve pleaded behind me, his hand rubbing up and down my back. “Fuck, you’re killing me.”