Page 130 of The Backup Princess

“Absolutely. Your grandpapa is right, my dear. You are doing your mother proud,” Grandmama replies and I lift my eyes to the oil painting of my mother, hung above the fireplace. She's wearing a white gown, her hair pinned up, looking out at us with a whimsical smile on her face. It's such a likeness, it almost takes my breath away.

“I really am trying my best, and I wanted to talk to you about something. It’s a decision I’ve made.”

“Oh?” Grandmama says.

They both look at me with hope in their eyes, and I feel a surge of joy, knowing that what I’m about to tell them will make them both so happy.

“I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that I want to make my life here in Malveaux,” I say.

They look between each other.

“Does that mean…?” Grandpapa leads.

I grin at them, that surge of joy washing right over me until I'm drenched. “If you need me, I want to be your heir.”

“Oh, my dear!” Grandmama exclaims, her hand over her heart. “That is wonderful news. Wonderful!”

Grandpapa jumps to his feet. Well, as far as a 70-something-year-old can jump. “Oh, Madeline. I am so happy to hear this. Thank you.”

“I'm pretty happy to tell you, too. I feel good about it.”

He grips my hands, his skin rough and dry against mine. “You’ve made me the happiest man in Europe. Truly.”

Grandmama joins us, and together we share a hug, our little family joined together in shared delight.

This decision feels good. It feels right. I'd always felt like I hadn't fit into my life back in Houston. Like I belonged somewhere else. Now I’ve found where I belong, and it's in Malveaux, with my grandparents. Of course I miss my dad, as well as my friends, and I definitely miss the tacos from Manuel’s.

But this is where I’m meant to be. This is where I belong. And to know that I'm not only making my grandparents incredibly happy, but I'm perhaps even saving the Malveauxian monarchy from total destruction at my great uncle’s hands? Well, that's the icing on the already 10-foot cake.

“Oh, Maddie, my dear. To think, the monarchy is now assured.”

“It is, my darling. It is,” Grandpapa confirms.

“Someday, you may be Queen Madeline,” Grandmama exclaims, her eyes getting misty. “Oh, I do so like the sound of that.”

“As nice as that sounds, I hope it's a long way away before I'm Queen,” I say, my throat tight.

My grandparents share a look, the open, excited smiles of only a moment ago replaced with something pinched, worried. Fear grips my belly. Is Grandpapa sick?

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Shall we sit?” Grandmama suggests.

This has gone from super happy to super scary in about three seconds flat.

I sit with a healthy dose of trepidation. “Should I be worried?”

“No, no,” Grandpapa assures. “As you know, the Kingdom of Malveaux has always passed the crown down to the heir at the time of the monarch’s death.”

I do not like the direction this conversation is taking.

“Are you okay, Grandpapa?” I ask, my heart beginning to thud.

My mind takes over with possibilities. None of them good.

I've only just gotten to know Grandpapa and now he's what? Dying?

I can't lose him. Not so soon. Not for a long time.