Page 3 of Feels So Good

Her body was flipped over, her legs pushed back to her shoulders, and a hard cock drove deep into her pussy. Yasmin immediately climaxed, shaking and pulsing. VJ held still inside her, letting her pussy ripple around his iron-hard penis. When she sighed and relaxed, he started driving into her, thrusting deep, twisting his hips to drag his cock along her sensitive wall.

Underneath her, Pearce was holding her thighs wide apart, his lips on her neck and shoulders, licking and sucking, his body moving with the force of VJ’s thrusts.

Her first orgasm was still pulsing through her as a second one began to build. Yasmin gasped in pleasure, her hands holding tight to VJ’s arms as he powered in and out of her pussy, thrusting, driving, giving her intense pleasure.

Pearce sucked her earlobe into his mouth, biting lightly on the edge of it, his fingers roaming up and down the tender skin of her inner thighs.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Yasmin moaned, the coil of fire in her belly, building and building.

Pearce pinched her nipple and bit down on her neck. VJ tilted her body higher and thrust so deep inside her his cock pressed against the neck of her womb. Her second orgasm crashed through her, shaking her limbs, rocking her to her soul. VJ grunted and his cock spurted its cum, a burst of heat deep inside her.

He thrust again, once, twice, three times, then relaxed, lowering her legs. The two men maneuvered the three of them onto their sides, still locked together.

“Wow! Just wow! That was brilliant,” gasped Yasmin.

“Oh yeah,” said VJ.

“Well done, honey,” added Pearce.

“It was you. You’re both very good,” she said snuggling down between them, suddenly exhausted.

Chapter Two

A hand cracked down on Yasmin’s naked ass, waking her instantly. “What the fuck?” She swiped her tumbled black curls off her face and opened bleary eyes. Oh yeah, that’s right. She’d just had a truly brilliant night of sex with Pearce and VJ.

“Come on, lazy. Time for a walk before breakfast.” VJ pulled her into a semi-upright position.

“It’s barely dawn. How about you go for a walk, and wake me when you get back,” she suggested.

Two strong arms hauled her from the bed and threw her clothes to her. Automatically she caught them and began dressing. “I haven’t had a shower yet,” she complained.

“First we walk, then we shower, then breakfast,” said VJ.

“Bossy britches,” she sighed, scrambling into her shorts, and running her fingers through her tangled curls.

Outside the air was crisp and clean with a salty tang. Resort City had been built on reclaimed swampland so the salt was always close to the surface, but Yasmin liked the harsh, clear scent of the hardy plants that appreciated salty soil. The sky was a bright blue, the sun shone, and, despite Yasmin’s comment, dawn had happened several hours earlier.

Yasmin took a deep breath, loving the early morning air. Besides, who could argue when they were walking between the delectable VJ and Pearce—even though he was wearing a shirt this morning.

Maybe half a mile from the trailer park was a small beach. It was a nice little beach that shelved steeply into the water, so it was not over-run with families and kids. Between the walking track and the sand was a row of dunes. As they neared the first dune, Yasmin took off running. She sprinted up the side of the dune on an angle so as not to get her feet bogged. Still moving fast she reached the top of the dune and ran along it, jumping from it to the next dune, and from the second dune to the third and so on, all along the beach. She had to keep moving fast or she’d lose momentum. But once the runner had a rhythm, it was a real adrenalin rush, pounding across the sand and flying through the air.

On the final dune she slowed, then came to a stop and turned around to look back. VJ and Pearce had decided to come after her. VJ was halfway up the first dune, lying on the sand laughing. While she watched, Pearce took a flying leap from dune one to dune two, but he’d slowed down so she was not at all surprised to see him stumble and roll down the side of the dune.

Yasmin placed her hands on her hips and laughed out loud. Adrenaline still charging her body, she ran down her dune and back to where the men were on their respective dunes.

“Never tried dune jumping before? Need a few tips?” she asked, unable to keep the amusement out of her voice.

“As soon as I got bogged and fell, I worked out you’d gone up at a forty-five degree angle. You made it look so damn easy you little witch,” VJ said, grabbing her and pulling her down onto the sand beside him.

“I dunno what the hell I did wrong,” said Pearce, “but I’m sure you’re both about to tell me.”


“Too slow.” VJ’s answer came at the same time as Yasmin’s.

“You can’t stop. You need to be judging how far to jump without slowing down to look. And these dunes are easy, they’re so close together. You can’t miss.”

“You can’t miss. Likely I’ll end up on my ass again. Let’s do it.” Pearce thrust out a hand to each of the others and hauled them to their feet, then they all walked down the track a little way to get a running start.