“I can’t wait to see him,” the man said. “The last time I saw him was a few months ago, in Indianapolis. I didn’t say hi back then; I was way too shy. But now, now I’m going to say hello.” He pulled the clip from his gun and looked at it, smiling.

“Don’t worry, Selena,” he said. “You’re not in danger. I don’t care about you. I care about Nash. I want to prove that he’s not as amazing as everyone says he is. He’s just another washed-up military asshole pretending like he’s a badass.”

He stared at me, smiling hugely.

“I’m going to put a bullet in his head. Then everyone will know that he’s just another fake.”

I struggled against my bonds, staring at the man, my heart pounding in my chest.

He was clearly insane, obviously out of his mind, but he was in our room and I was tied to the chair. And his gun looked very, very real. Nash had no clue what he was coming back to, no clue what was waiting for him. This freaking psycho was going to kill him for no reason other than jealousy.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The man glared at me. “Who’s that?” He walked over and looked through the peephole.

“Room service,” I heard someone call from outside.

“Go away,” the man said.

“We have your food here.”

“Go the fuck away.”

He stared out for another second and then stormed over to me. He smacked me across the face, knocking me off the chair. Pain flared all through my face.

“You dumb bitch. Why didn’t you tell me you had room service coming?” he growled.

I tried to struggle away from him, but he grabbed me and shoved me back onto the chair.

“There’s no escape, Selena,” he said. “You’re going to watch me kill your husband.”

I stared into his deep brown eyes and realized that he was right, there was no escape. This man was insane, and that was all there was to it.

I felt my whole body begin to shake and tremble from fear, fear jolting through my spine, fear clouding my mind.

Nash was coming, straight into a trap.



I’d been so damn lazy since I’d married Selena.

I didn’t know why. Going for long, early runs was one way to keep my sanity. That probably explained why I had been losing my damn mind ever since that girl had come into my life.

My feet banged the pavement as I tore up the miles, running mindlessly. I was trying to escape the memory of her body, her perfect fucking hips and breasts barely covered by her bra. She talked so dirty when she was drunk.

She sucked cock so good when she was sober, too.

Fuck, even when running I couldn’t get her off my mind. She was so stuck inside my head that it was all but impossible to outrun her.

I turned along my loop, heading back toward the hotel. I wondered if she was awake yet, and what she’d ordered for breakfast. She was probably hungover as hell. I wondered if she had liked my little note.

I could see the hotel up ahead. My breath was coming fast and deep, and I felt good for the first time in a while. Well, the first time except for when I was fucking Selena, touching her body, standing close to her. I felt strong, and I could tell that I was still in good shape despite all my fucking boozing and sleeping around.

Maybe I’d lost a few steps, but even me at my worst was better than most men. And I wasn’t even close to my worst yet.

I stopped out front of the hotel, catching my breath. There weren’t any paparazzi around, fortunately. I wasn’t really famous enough to have them hanging around constantly, so I got lucky once in a while and had a peaceful second or two.

It took me a few minutes to cool off, but eventually I walked back into the hotel. I nodded at the girls standing behind the front desk and headed into the elevator.

I leaned up against the wall, thinking about Selena. I wondered what she was wearing and how bad she was feeling. Maybe I’d go out and get her some aspirin or some shit, or at least call down to room service for it. She didn’t seem like a complainer, so hopefully she’d be able to get through the day without passing out.

The elevator doors opened and I headed down the hall, still lost in thought. I saw our door up ahead.

And stopped in my tracks.

Sitting on the ground outside the door was a room service cart. It looked covered still, as if nobody had touched it.

I cocked my head, curious. Was Selena out? Why would she order breakfast and then leave?

In the pit of my stomach, I knew something was wrong. The room service cart just sitting there looked wrong, felt wrong. All of my training was telling me to get out of there, that something was happening. I had no weapon, nothing to defend myself with.